Gallery of Terrorists
Select below to choose a terrorist or sponsor of terrorism to pray for.
Issa Jimaraou
1 adoptionISIS-GS Fighter
At Large
Issa Jimaraou is a key leader for ISIS in the Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS). The US Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information leading to his capture. He is wanted for his participation in the 2017 ambush in Niger that killed four American and eight Nigerian soldiers. He operates in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.
Ibrahim Mohamed Aqil
0 adoptionsHizballah Leader
At Large
Ibrahim Mohamed Aqil is also known as Tahsin, Abd al-Qadr Aqil, and Ghosn Ali Abdel Mehdi. He serves on Hizballah’s highest military body, the Jihad Council. He was born in Lebanon sometime between 1958 and 1962. He has been a principal member of Hizballah's terror cell that was responsible for bombing the US Embassy and the Marine Barracks in Beirut in 1983. He also directed hostage taking in Lebanon. ...
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Mohammed Junaid Babar
11 adoptionsAl Qaeda Supporter
Mohammed Junaid Babar was arrested in New York in 2004 while returning from Pakistan, where he provided money and materials like night vision goggles to Al Qaeda fighters and helped set up training camps. He is cooperating with investigators by testifying against other terrorists in order to avoid the death penalty in Pakistan for attempts on Musharraf’s life in 2002. He moved to Queens, NY with his family from Pakistan ...
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Tahil Sali
1 adoptionMNLF Commander
At Large
Tahil Sali is a commander in the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in the Philippines. In September 2009 on Jolo Island, the MNLF blew up a convoy of military vehicles with an explosive device. The blast killed two U.S. Army soldiers and an Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) soldier. They were on a humanitarian mission to construct a school in the area. In May 2010, the Philippine 9th ...
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Sa’ad bin Atef al-Awlaki
2 adoptionsSa’d Muhammad Atif
Al-Qaida Commander
At Large
Sa’ad bin Atef al-Awlaki is also known as Sa’d Muhammad Atif, and Jalaal al-Sa’idi. He is a member of Al-Qaida in the Arabian Penninsula. The US Department of Justice is offering $6 million for information about him. He currently commands Al Qaida forces in Yemen. He has publicly called for attacks against the United States and its allies. He was born some time between 1978 and 1983.
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Abdallah Ghanim Mafuz Muslim al-Khawar
14 adoptionsAbdullah Khowar
al-Qaeda Facilitator
Abdallah Khawar has worked with Salim al-Kuwari to deliver money, messages and other material support to al-Qaeda elements in Iran. He is based in Qatar. He has helped facilitate travel for extremists interested in traveling to Afghanistan for jihad. His birthday is August 17, 1981.
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Abu-Yusuf al-Muhajir
14 adoptionsExplosives Expert
At Large
Abu-Yusuf al-Muhajir is Egyptian. He was born on September 7, 1986. He is also called Muhammad Ibrahim ‘Abd al-Sata’ar Abu al-Asad. He is an explosives expert. He is a former member of Tawhid w’al Jihad-Egypt (TWJ-Egypt), an extremist group active in the Sinai Peninsula in 2004-06, and which reconstituted in 2011. Tawhid w’al Jihad in Egypt is a loosely affiliated group of Egyptian and foreign extremists based in the Sinai ...
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Abdul Rahman Yasin
16 adoptionsAboud Yasin
World Trade Center 1993 Bombing Operative
At Large
Abdul Rahman Yasin was born April 10, 1960, in Bloomington, Indiana, when his Iraqi father was a PhD student. He was able to return to America in 1992 as an American citizen after growing up in Baghdad. He has acid burn scars on his legs from spilled bomb making chemicals. He helped prepare the explosives used in the first World Trade Center bombing of February 26, 1993. He is affiliated ...
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Abu Hamza al-Masri
17 adoptionsKamel Mustafa
terrorism instigator
Abu Hamza al-Masri is also known as Mustafa Kamel Mustafa. He was jailed in Britain in 2004 for instigating acts of terrorism. He was extradited to the USA on October 5, 2012. He faced charges of supporting al-Qaeda, aiding kidnappings and plotting to open terrorist training camps in the USA. A federal jury in Manhattan found him guilty of eleven terrorism charges in 2014. He got sentenced to life in ...
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Wadoud Muhammad Hafiz al-Turki
13 adoptionsSulaiman
Abu Nidal operative and hijacker
At Large
Wadoud Muhammad Hafiz al-Turki is wanted for his role in the hijacking of Pan Am flight 73 on the ground Karachi, Pakistan, on September 5, 1986. During the incident he and the other hijackers began firing indiscriminately. They killed 20 people and seriously wounded 100 others. He is believed to be a member of the Abu Nidal terrorist network. He is a Palestinian born in Baghdad in 1955. Authorities believe ...
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Ramzi Binalshibh
21 adoptionsRamzi Omar
The 20th 9-11 Hijacker
Ramzi was born May 1, 1972 in Yemen. He was captured in Karachi, Pakistan after a gun battle, and turned over to the USA for interrogation and ultimate detention at Guantanamo Bay. He is being sent to New York for trial. He was to have been one of the 9-11 attack hijackers, rounding out the number to 20, but was unable to obtain an entry visa from Germany, so he ...
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Salim Hasan Khalifa Rashid al-Kuwari
13 adoptionsSalim Al-Kowari
al-Qaeda Facilitator
Salim Hasan Khalifa Rashid al-Kuwari provides financial and logistical support to al-Qaeda, primarily through facilitators in Iran. He was born around 1977. He is based in Qatar. He has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial support. His funding has helped with operations, travel of extremist recruits, and securing the release of al-Qaeda detainees in Iran and elsewhere.
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Nidal Malik Hasan
18 adoptionsFort Hood Shooter
Nidal Malik Hasan shouted "Allahu Akbar" and then shot over three-dozen soldiers in a Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) center at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009. Over a dozen died. He is an Army Psychiatrist. He was born in America in 1970 to immigrants from Palestine. He attended high school in Virginia. He enlisted in the Army in the 80s. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1995. He earned his ...
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Abu Agila Mohammad Masud
1 adoptionBomb Maker
Abu Agila Mohammad Masud is charged with making the bomb that took down Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scottland in 1988. The crash killed 270 people. The flight was bound from London to New York. Masud was arrested for other crimes after the collapse of the Muammar Gaddafi Libyan government. Information about his role in the bombing came out in interviews by Libyan authorities. The US Department of ...
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Haytham Ali Tabatabai
0 adoptionsAbu Ali Tabtabai
Hizballah Commander
At Large
Haytham ‘Ali Tabataba’i is from Beirut, Lebanon. He was born in 1968. He is likely in Syria or Yemen. He is an important Hizballah military leader. His command of special forces for Hizballah in both Syria and Yemen includes providing training, personnel, and materiel for destabilizing activities. The US Department of Justice is offering a $5 million reward for information that brings him to justice.
Richard Colvin Reid
19 adoptionsAbdul Raheem
The Al Qaeda "Shoe Bomber"
Richard Reid was born August 12, 1973 in South London. He has an English mother and Jamaican father, He is the reason we all have to take off our shoes when passing through airport security. He is serving a life sentence at the ADX Florence, CO supermax prison as the “shoe bomber” who tried to take out American Airlines flight #63 from Paris to Miami by igniting plastic explosives in ...
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Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani
12 adoptionsFoopie
Dar Es Salaam embassy bombing
Ahmed Ghailani was born in 1974 in Tanzania. He became a traveling Muslim cleric. He appeared on the FBI's most wanted for terrorism list first published in 2001. He was captured in joint operations with Pakistan after a 10-hour gun battle in 2004. He was detained at Guantanamo Bay until 2009. In January 2011, he was sentenced to life in prison by a civilian court in New York city for ...
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Mustafa Ali Salat
22 adoptionsJihadist in Al-Shabab
At Large
Mustafa Ali Salat is also known as Zubayr. He is reportedly detained by Al-Shabaab in Somalia for attempting to defect from that terrorist organization after having joined it. He is wanted by the FBI for conspiring to support a terrorist organization in Somalia and conspiring to kill persons abroad. He was born in 1990. He has been a permanent legal resident of St. Paul, Minnesota. He departed for Somalia in ...
Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali
10 adoptionsAmmar al-Baluchi
9-11 Facilitator
Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, also known as Ammar al-Baluchi, has been held at Guantanamo Bay for connections with several of the 9-11 hijackers and other known terrorists. He is being sent to New York for trial. Most of the money transferred to the hijackers from the U.A.E. came from his and Mustafa al-Hawsawi's accounts. When captured in Pakistan in 2003, he was carrying correspondence for Osama bin Laden> from ...
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Tahawwur Hussain Rana
14 adoptionsHomegrown Conspirator
Tahawwur Hussain Rana was arrested in Chicago in October 2009. In January 2013, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison. He was accused of plotting attacks against the Denmark newspaper that published the cartoons of the Mohammed. He may also have been involved in the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, India. His extradition to India for that alleged involvement was approved in May 2023. He was born in ...
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Radullan Sahiron
14 adoptionsSenior Abu Sayyaf Leader in the Philippines
At Large
Radullan Sahiron the most wanted man in the Philippines. The US Department of Justice is offering a $1 million reward for information that will help to capture him. He is at least 70 years old and the most senior leader of the Abu Sayyaf Group. He played a role in the tourist kidnapping that included Martin and Gracia Burnham. Authorities believe he is hiding in southern Mindanao from where he ...
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Antonio Martinez
22 adoptionsMuhammad Hussain
Home-Grown Car-Bomber
Antonio Martinez is also known as Muhammad Hussain. At twenty-one years old, he tried to blow up a military recruitment center near Baltimore, Maryland. He was arrested on December 8, 2010. On January 27, 2012 he pled guilty. At sentencing in April 2012 he gave a lengthy apology saying he knew little of Islam and was misguided and zealous. He is an American citizen and convert to Islam. He became ...
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Jose Pimentel
17 adoptionsMuhammad Yusuf
Lone Wolf
Jose Pimentel (aka Muhammad Yusuf) was arrested in New York City on November 20, 2011 for planning to bomb post offices and police stations throughout Manhattan. in March 2014, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison. Police stormed the Harlem apartment in which he was working as he was building a bomb. He was born on November 8, 1984. He is a naturalized U.S. citizen. He came to the ...
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Seka Musa Baluku
2 adoptionsISIS-DRC Leader
At Large
Seka Musa Baluku is also known as Mzee Kajaju, Lumu, Lumonde, and Makuba. He was born in 1975 or 1976 in Uganda. He leads ISIS in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (ISIS-DRC). Under his leadership, ISIS-DRC targets, kills, maims, rapes, and commits other sexual violence and engages in abduction of civilians, including children. The group also recruits and uses children during attacks and for forced labor. ISIS-DRC is ...
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Dawood Ibrahim
25 adoptionsKaskar
At Large
Dawood Ibrahim reigns as one of the pre-eminent terror connected criminals of the Indian underworld. His drug smuggling syndicates are allied with Al-Qaeda and run throughout South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Interpol wants him for organized crime and counterfeiting. The US wants him for connections to terrorism. He was born in 1955. He grew up in Mumbai. Today his net worth exceeds $6 billion. His business interests span ...
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Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi
19 adoptionsAbu Ali Muharib
Terrorism Facilitator
At Large
Adel Radi Saqr al-Wahabi al-Harbi is an Iran-based al-Qaeda facilitator who served as the deputy to Muhsin al-Fadhli. He facilitates the travel of extremists to Afghanistan or Iraq and is believed to have sought funds to support terrorist attacks. He is also on a Saudi Arabian Most Wanted List for providing technical support to the al-Qaeda. The US State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security is offering a $5 million reward ...
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Wadih el-Hage
13 adoptionsAbd'al Sabur
Embassy Bombing Plotter
Wadih el-Hage was born July 25, 1960 in Lebanon. He is serving a life sentence at the ADX Florence, CO supermax prison for involvement in the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. He converted to Islam from Maronite Catholicism while growing up in Kuwait. In 1978, he started studies in urban planning at a university in Louisiana, but took a break to fight in Afghanistan and graduated in 1986. ...
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Allison Fluke-Ekren
1 adoptionAllison Elizabeth Brooks
ISIS Leader
Allison Fluke-Ekren is also known as Allison Elizabeth Brooks, Allison Ekren, Umm Mohammed al-Amriki, and Umm Jabril. She was sentenced to prison for 20 years on November 1, 2022 for organizing and leading an all-female military battalion in Syria on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). She was born in Kansas in 1980 and was raised in Kansas. She has college degrees in biology and ...
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Azzam Abdullah Zureik Al-Maulid Al-Subhi
15 adoptionsMansur al-Harbi
al-Qaida Trainer
The Department of State designated Azzam Abdullah Zureik Al-Maulid Al-Subhi (better known as Mansur al-Harbi) as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. He is a trainer and senior member of al-Qa’ida. He is a Saudi citizen. He is one of Saudi Arabia's most wanted men for terrorism and ties to al-Qa’ida. According to the Saudi Ministry of Interior, he is accused of working at a training camp in Afghanistan and is ...
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Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al-Qosi
0 adoptionsSheikh Khubayb al-Sudani
Senior Staff with al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula
At Large
Ibrahim Ahmed Mahmoud al-Qosi is also known as Sheikh Khubayb al-Sudani and Mohammad Salah Ahmad. He is on the staff of the leader of al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and is said to manage its payroll. He was born in Atbara, Sudan in 1960. He is a Sudanese citizen. In the 1990s he fought with Jihadists in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Pakistani authorities caught him fleeing Afghanistan in December ...
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Jamshid Muhtorov
14 adoptionsAbumumin Turkistony
Accused Terrorism Supporter
The FBI arrested Jamshid Muhtorov on Janurary 21, 2012 at Chicago's O'Hare airport. At his first court appearance on February 2, he proclaimed his innocence through an interpreter. He was allegedly on his way from Denver to Asia in order to fight on behalf of the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU). The State Department has designated the IJU as a terrorist organization. It is based in Pakistan. It conducts suicide attacks ...
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Salim Jamil Ayyash
0 adoptionsthe ghost
Hizballah assassin
At Large
Salim Ayyash is also known as Salim Jamil and Jabber "The Ghost". The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information leading to his capture. He is wanted for leading the team that assassinated former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in February 2005. That explosion additionally killed 21 and wounded 226. He is also wanted for attacking three other Lebanese politicians in 2004 and 2005. Ayyash was born ...
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John Phillip Walker Lindh
22 adoptionsHamza Walker Lindh
The American Taliban
John Lindh was born February 9, 1981 in Washington, D.C. He is the "American Taliban" who was captured during the 2001 American invasion of Afghanistan. He received a 20-year sentence to Federal prison. He received a 3-year period of supervised release in May 2019. He was baptized and raised in a troubled Roman Catholic household and overcame a childhood intestinal disorder. He moved from Silver Spring, Maryland, to San Anselmo, ...
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Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh
15 adoptionsUmar Sheikh
Daniel Pearl Murderer
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh was born December 23, 1973 in England to Pakistani parents. He is a former student of the London School of Economics. He has been caught and sentenced to death in Pakistan for the 2002 kidnapping and murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. The process of appeal and carrying out the sentence appears complicated by links to the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence. Earlier he had served ...
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Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nahdi
17 adoptionsSuspected Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
Little is known about Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nadhi. He was born in 1976 in Saudi Arabia but is identified as a Yemeni citizen. He became associated with the now deceased Yemeni Al Qaeda terror cell leader who orchestrated an attack on a French tanker in 2002. At one time the FBI was seeking him for questioning.
- Bassam Abdullah bin Bushar al-Nahdi on Wikipedia
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Abukar Ali Adan
0 adoptionsAl-Shjabaab Deputy Leader
At Large
Abukar Ali Adan is also known as Ibrahim Afghan, and Sheikh Abukar. The US Department of State Rewards for Justice program is offering up to $5 million for information leading to his identification or location. He spent several years leading al-Shabaab's military wing, the Jabhat, and was al-Shabaab's military chief. He is currently the al-Shabaab's deputy leader. Al-Shabaab is a designated terrorist organization based in the Horn of Africa. ...
Shannon Maureen Conley
34 adoptionsShannon
Home Grown Terrorist
The FBI arrested 19-year-old Shannon Conley in April 2014 as she attempted to board a plane in Denver. She was allegedly on her way to marry a Tunisian militant and assist in the battle to establish an Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. Agents found CDs and DVDs labeled "Anwar al-Awlaki" in her luggage. Earlier she had told FBI agents about joining the U.S. Army Explorers ...
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Ahmed Iman Ali
14 adoptionsal-Shabaab recruiter
At Large
Ahmed Iman Ali has earned steady promotion within al-Shabaab for his success in recruiting fighters and raising funds. He is best known for recruiting Kenyan youth. He historically operated in Kenya, but in 2009 he moved his base to Somalia. From there he leads between 300 to 500 terrorist operatives from Kenya. The US Rewards for Justice program is offering $3 million for information that brings him to justice.
Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie
22 adoptionsEl-Hoorie
Saudi Hezbollah Operative
At Large
Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie belongs to pro Iranian Saudi Hezbollah. He was born in Saudi Arabia in 1965. With help from Iranian officials, El Hoorie helped plan and orchestrate the 1996 attack on the Khobar Towers US military barracks in Saudi Arabia. He was a passenger in the bomb truck driven to within 80 feet of the building, and made his getaway as a passenger in an accompanying sedan. ...
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Mohammad Fazl
20 adoptionsTaliban Leader
At Large
Mohammad Fazl is one of five detainees released from Guantanamo Bay on June 1, 2014 in exchange for US Army Soldier Bowe Bergdahl who was being held by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network. He was the deputy defense minister of the Taliban-ruled Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan before the US invasion after 9-11. Intelligence analysts think that he was born around 1967 in Afghanistan and that he was responsible for killing ...
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Abd al-Rahman al-Maghrebi
1 adoptionAl-Qaida Senior Leader
At Large
Abd al-Rahman al-Maghrebi is also known as Mohamed Abbatay. He heads Al Qaida's External Communications Office. The US Department of Justice is offering $7 million for information about him. He currently operates in Iran from where he oversees Al-Qaida activities worldwide. He is son-in-law to Ayman al-Zawahiri and is seen as someone who can replace Zawahiri's leadership. He was born in Marrakesh, Morocco, in 1970, and ...
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Ali Hasan ‘Ali al-Ajmi
13 adoptionsHassan al-Yami
al-Qaeda Facilitator
Ali Hasan ‘Ali al-Ajmi (a.k.a Hassan al-Yami) is a Kuwait-based associate of Ezedin Khalil. He provides financial and facilitation support to al-Qaeda, al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), and to the Taliban. He has collected money from individuals in Gulf countries and has provided these funds to AQI facilitators and to the Taliban. He has helped people travel to fight in Afghanistan. He was born on January 14, 1979.
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Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir
20 adoptionsOmar al-Bashir
Former President of Sudan
Omar al-Bashir was born in 1944 in a small town north of Kartoum. He is was the President of Sudan until deposed by the military in April 2019. His was a likely terrorism (and genocide) sponsoring government. Omar received military education in Cairo, fought with Egypt against Israel in the 1973 war, and became a general in 1980. In 1989 he led a coup, deposing the elected prime minister, to ...
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Abdullah Nowbahar
13 adoptionsExplosives Expert
At Large
Abdullah Nowbahar is a Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (HIG) explosives expert and is a member of Abdul Saboor’s attack network in Afghanistan. Nowbahar and Saboor were key participants in the September 18, 2012 suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) attack against a bus carrying Kabul International Airport foreign employees, in which over a dozen people were killed. The U.S. Justice Department is offering up to $2 million as reward ...
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Murat Karayilan
1 adoptionCemal
Head of the HPG in the PKK
At Large
Murat Karayilan is also known as Cemal. He was born on June 5, 1954 in Sanliurfa, Turkey. He is is indicted by the Government of Turkey for inciting violence. He is head of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) and a senior leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The PKK has targeted Turkish government officials, police and security forces and indiscriminately injured and killed civilians. It obtain weapons through ...
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Daniel Patrick Boyd
25 adoptionsSaifullah
Homegrown Terrorist
On July 22, 2009, Daniel Patrick Boyd was indicted in a federal grand jury for conspiring to provide material support to terrorists. He was arrested on July 27th along with six others. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2012. He was born in 1970. He is an American citizen and native of North Carolina. He is allegedly a veteran of terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan ...
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Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi
0 adoptionsYazid Mabrak
Emir of AQIM
At Large
Abu Ubaydah Yusuf al-Anabi is also known as Yazid Mabrak and Abou Obeida. The US Department of Justice is offering $7 million for information leading to his capture. He is wanted as leader the leader of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). He was born in Annaba, Algeria, in 1969. He studied economics at the Algerian University of Constantine. He has been an active militant since at least 1989. ...
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Yahya Haqqani
13 adoptionssenior Haqqani Network member
At Large
Yahya Haqqani was born in 1982 in Pakistan. He is a senior Haqqani Network member who has been closely involved in the group's terrorist, financial, and propaganda activities. He has acted as de facto head of the group when the more senior leaders were absent. He has also assumed duties as a logistician and has facilitated funding for Haqqani commanders including the chief of suicide operations. He sometimes serves as ...
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Talal Hamiyah
1 adoptionHizballah leader
At Large
Talal Hamiyah heads Hizballah’s External Security Organization (ESO). It has organized cells worldwide. It is the element responsible for planning, coordination, and executing terrorist attacks outside of Lebanon. Those attacks primarily target Israelis and Americans. In September 2012 the US Treasury Department designated him to be a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT). In October 2017, the US Rewards for Justice program began offering $7 million for information that would bring ...
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Musa Asoglu
21 adoptionsTerror Group Leader
Musa Asoglu was sentenced to over 6 years in prison by a German court in June 2019. He is a citizen of Turkey. He was born there on August 15, 1961. He has been a key leader of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front. In Turkish it is called the Devrimci Halk Kurtuluş Partisi Cephesi (DHKP/C). Musa Asoglu joined DHKP/C in the 1990s while a resident of the Netherlands. He reportedly ...
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Hasanovich Juraboev
13 adoptionsISIS supporter
Hasanovich Juraboev is one of three Brooklyn residents arrested on February 25, 2015 and charged with providing material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He is a citizen of Uzbekistan. He was 24 years old at the time of his arrest. He was apparently planning to travel through Turkey to Syria to join ISIS. If not successful in joining ISIS he was allegedly planning terrorism in ...
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Kim Jong-un
40 adoptionsDictator
Kim Jong-un became the dictator of North Korea after the death of his father, Kim Jong-il, in December 2011. He follows both his father and grand-father, Kim Il-sung, in that role. He is a threat to global stability and world peace. He has threatened to "wipe out" a scene of previous naval clashes, Baengnyeong Island. Under his leadership, North Korea has threatened the United States with a "pre-emptive nuclear attack" ...
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Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi
15 adoptionsHalati
Terror Participant
At Large
Ahlam Ahmad Al-Tamimi also goes by Halati and Khalti. She is alleged to have participated in a bombing at a pizza restaurant in Jerusalem in 2001 that killed 15 people. She is a convicted terrorist operative for HAMAS. The FBI added her to its list of most wanted terrorists and considers her to be “armed and dangerous.” It is offering 5 million dollars for information leading to her arrest or ...
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Umar Patek
27 adoptionsZacky
Jemaah Islamiya Operative
In March 2011 Umar Patek was captured in Pakistan. In June 2012 the Indonesian justice system sentenced him to 20 years in prison for his roll in making the bomb used to attack the nightclub in Bali in 2001. In August 2022, he was given an early release. During his trial, he apologized for his roll in that and other terror attacks in Indonesia. He was born in 1970 in ...
Cabdulaahi Ahmed Faarax
23 adoptionsJihadist in Al-Shabab
At Large
Cabdulaahi Ahmed Faarax is wanted by the FBI for conspiring to support a terrorist organization in Somalia and conspiring to kill persons abroad. He is from Somalia. He is a naturalized US citizen. He has been long time resident of Minneapolis and a taxi-cab driver. In 2007, he went to Somalia to fight. He returned to America to recruit others. He was last seen in October 2009 at a US-Mexico ...
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Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani
13 adoptionssenior Haqqani Network member
At Large
Khalil al-Rahman Haqqani was born on January 1, 1966. He is a senior member of the Haqqani Network and is the current Afghan Minister of Refugees. He raises funds on behalf of the Taliban and provides support to the Taliban operating in Afghanistan. As of early 2010, he provided funds to Taliban cells in Logar Province, Afghanistan. In 2009, Khalil was one of several people responsible for the detention of ...
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Hayat Boumeddiene
41 adoptionsTerror Accomplice
At Large
At 26 years old, Hayat Boumeddiene became the most wanted woman in France for assisting her husband in an Al-Qaeda inspired terror rampage through Paris that killed workers at the satirical Charlie Hebdo weekly newspaper and shoppers at a Kosher grocery store. She was once a bikini-wearing modern woman and a cashier. She has an Algerian background. She became radicalized, altered her first name to sound more Islamic, and was ...
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Shaykh Aminullah
17 adoptionsFazeel-A-Tul Shaykh Abu Mohammed Ameen Al-Peshawar
Al-Qaeda Facilitator
at Large
Shaykh Aminullah is wanted for questioning in connection with providing material support to Al Qaeda, the Taliban and anti-coalition militias, with the aid of a Pakistan-based terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT). Shaykh Aminullah is the founder and director of the Ganj Madrassa, a religious institution, and operates as a financier, recruiter and weapons facilitator for the Madrassa. He was born in the Konar province of Afghanistan. He uses at least three ...
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David Coleman Headley
15 adoptionsDaood Sayed Gilani
Homegrown Conspirator
David Coleman Headley was arrested in Chicago in October 2009 for plotting attacks against the Denmark newspaper that published the cartoons of Mohammed. In January 2013, he was sentenced to 35 years in prison for what included his part in plotting the terror attcks of 2008 in Mumbai, India that killed more than 160 people. He was born in Washington D.C. in 1960 as Daood Sayed Gilani. His father is ...
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Mohamed Abrini
15 adoptionssuicide bombing conspirator
Mohamed Abrini is alleged to have helped with planning and execution of attacks on restaurants and a theater in Paris in November 2015 and with bombings in Brussels at the airport and a train station in March 2016. He's thought to have been acting on behalf of the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (ISIS). He is a Belgian citizen of Moroccan heritage. He was born on December 27, 1984. ...
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Jaber A. Elbaneh
14 adoptionsLackawanna Six Terror Cell Operative
At Large
Jaber Elbaneh was born on September 9, 1966, in Yemen. He has worked as a salesman and taxi driver. In 2002, he was connected to a broken up terror cell in Buffalo, New York, called the Lackawanna Six that was plotting a 9-11 anniversary terrorist attack. Also in 2002, he was caught in Yemen and jailed for attacks on oil facilities there. He escaped detention 2006. In 2007, he surrendered ...
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Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari
15 adoptionsAccused IED Plotter
Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari was charged on February 24, 2011, with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. He has been convicted and has been sentenced to life in prison. He was in the US from Saudi Arabia on a student visa. According to the supporting affidavit, Khalid had been researching how to construct Improvised Explosive Devices (IED). Authorities found indications he planned to hide explosives in dolls and baby ...
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Aris Sumarsono
13 adoptionsZulkarnaen
Jemaah Islamiya Operations Chief
Sumarsono goes by the name of Zulkarnaen. He was born in 1963 in Central Java, Indonesia. He was probably Indonesia’s most dangerous terrorist leader. He eluded capture for 18 years. He's alleged to have been operations chief for the Al Qaeda affiliated group Jemaah Islamiah, and to have headed the elite squad responsible for the 2002 Bali night club and the 2003 Marriot Hotel bombings. After his own training in ...
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Hasan Izz-al-Din
17 adoptionsHassan
Hezbollah Operative
At Large
Hassan was born in Lebanon in 1963. He is an operative with Hezbollah in Lebanon. On June 14, 1985, he was part of a group that hijacked TWA flight 847 from Athens to Rome. During the 17 day ordeal in which Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem was killed, flight 847 made two trips to Algiers. The U.S. Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information that brings him to ...
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Mokhtar Belmokhtar
26 adoptionsMister Marlboro
A Senior Unit Commander
likely Killed
Mokhtar Belmokhtar has been reported killed many times. He has been removed from the Rewards for Justice program indicating he may be dead. He is blind on one eye. He is also known as Abu Khaled, The One-Eyed, The Uncatchable, and Mr. Marlboro. He is the leader and the founder of a unit called the Signed-in-Blood Battalion. It is also called the Khaled Abu al-Abbas Brigade. Under his command, the ...
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Sami Jasim Muhammad al-Jaburi
2 adoptionsHaji Hamad
Legacy ISIS Senior Leader
At Large
Sami Jasim Muhammad al-Jaburi is also known as Haji Hamad. In October 2021, the Prime minister of Iraq tweeted that he was arrested in a "complex external operation" by the Iraqi National Intelligence Service. He is a senior leader of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and a legacy member of ISIS’s predecessor organization, al-Qa’ida in Iraq (AQI). He has been instrumental in managing finances for ISIS’s terrorist ...
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Mohamed Mahmood Alessa
15 adoptionsAccused of Plotting Terrorism
Mohamed Mahmood Alessa was arrested at the age of 20 in June 2010 as he and his friend Carlos Eduardo Almonte attempted to board a plane from New York to Somalia. In April 2013, he was sentenced to prison for 22 years. Mohamed and Carlos had referred to themselves as "Arabian knights." According to the FBI, they were intending to join a terror group in Somalia to kill, maim, ...
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Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir
15 adoptionsIkrima
al-Shabaab Operator
At Large
Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir is a citizen of Kenya. He was born there in 1979. He is also known as Ikrima. He is an al-Shabaab facilitator and operational planner. Al-Shabaab was the militant wing of the Somali Council of Islamic courts that took over most of southern Somalia in the second half of 2006. Al-Shabaab has continued its violent insurgency in southern and central Somalia. The group has claimed responsibility for ...
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Saif al-Adel
16 adoptionsIbrahim Al-Madani & Omar al-Sumali
Al Qaeda Security Chief
At Large
Saif al-Adel uses birth years of 1960 and 1963. He belongs to Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Al Qaeda. He fought the Soviets in Afghanistan, then moved on to Al Qaeda’s military committee, providing military intelligence and training to operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, and Somalia. He established a terrorist training camp in Somalia. He is skilled with explosives and was involved in the 1998 US embassy bombings in East Africa, ...
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Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis
15 adoptionsHome Grown Terrorist
Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis tried to blow up the New York Federal Reserve Bank in lower Manhattan, New York on October 17, 2012. The FBI arrested him after he attempted to detonate what he thought was a 1,000 pound bomb. He was 21 years old when he tried to detonate the bomb. He had been living in Jamaica, New York. He came to the USA from Bangledesh in January ...
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Safar bin Abdul-Rahman al-Hawali
22 adoptionsSaudi Islamic Scholar
Safar al-Hawali is a Meccan Muslim scholar known around the world for his pro-terrorism fatwas and endorsment of the 9-11 attacks. He was born in 1950. Part of his master’s level work at Um al-Qura University in Mecca was supervised by Muhammad Qutb, the brother of Sayyid Qutb. His work included a book analyzing the infiltration of secularism into the Muslim world. He received his doctorate in Islamic theology in ...
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Mohammed Ali Hamadei
18 adoptionsHezbollah Operative
At Large
Mohammed Ali Hamadei is a member of Lebanese Hezbollah. He is also known as Mohammed Ali Hammadi. He was born in Lebanon on June 13, 1964. He speaks both German and Arabic. In 1985, he participated in hijacking TWA flight 847 to Beirut and Algiers, during which a Navy diver was murdered. In 1987, he was arrested trying to smuggle liquid explosives into Frankfurt, Germany. In 2005, he was paroled, ...
Akayed Ullah
3 adoptionsSuicide Bomber
Akayed Ullah detonated a pipe bomb that was a partial dud at a Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City on December 11, 2017. The bomber and three other people were injured. Akayed was born in Bangladesh on March 25, 1990. He immigrated to the US in 2011. His wife and child remained in Bangladesh. He drove a taxi from 2012 to 2015. He explained upon questioning that he ...
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Hosam Maher Smadi
17 adoptionsHosam
Attempted Skyscraper Bomber
On September 24, 2009, Hosam Maher Smadi was arrested for "attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction." He parked an SUV packed with what he thought were explosives in the garage under a Dallas skyscraper. When he dialed the cell phone to detonate it, FBI agents moved in. He has said that he came to America to wage jihad. In Arabic, Hosam means sword. He was born in 1990. ...
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Khairullah Khairkhwa
17 adoptionsTaliban Leader
At Large
Khairullah Khairkhwa is the current Afghan Minister of Information and Culture. He is one of five detainees released from Guantanamo Bay on June 1, 2014 in exchange for US Army Soldier Bowe Bergdahl who was being held by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network. He was the interior minister of the Taliban-ruled Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in 1997 and 1998, and was one of the original launchers of the Taliban movement ...
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Muhammad Qasim al-Bazzal
1 adoptionMu’in
At Large
Muhammad Ja’far Qasir is also known as Mu’in. He is a key Hizballah financier. The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information that will disrupt his financial dealings with Hizballah. His responsibilities include balancing the financial accounting between Hizballah and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF). He has allegedly founded front companies to fund Hizballah activities. He reportedly runs numerous enterprises in oil and aluminum ...
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Hassan Afgooye
11 adoptionsal-Shabaab operative
At Large
Hassan Afgooye oversees a complex financial network whose activities range from fake charities and fundraising to racketeering, and kidnapping in support of all al-Shabaab's activities. He is considered one of the key leaders in al-Shabaab and critical to its continuing operations. The US Rewards for Justice program is offering $5 million for information that brings him to justice.
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Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar
16 adoptionsAl Qaeda Sympathizer
Muhammad Reza Taheri-azar was born May 5, 1983 in Tehran. He has been sentenced to over 33 years in prison for using a rented Jeep Grand Cherokee as a deadly weapon on a crowded courtyard at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He turned himself in saying, he did it to “follow in the footsteps of one of my role models, Mohammad Atta.” A reclusive and antisocial lover ...
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Ibrahim Salih Mohammed al-Yacoub
16 adoptionsSaudi Hezbollah Operative
At Large
Ibrahim was born on October 16, 1966 in Saudi Arabia. He is a member of the pro Iranian Saudi Hezbollah. He helped plan and participated in the 1996 attack on the Khobar Towers US military barracks in Saudi Arabia. After the attack, he fled Saudi Arabia using a fake passport. The U.S. Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information that brings him to justice.
Abu Muhammad al-Julani
2 adoptionsal-Golani
Terror Group Leader
At Large
Abu Muhammad al-Julani leads the branch of Al-Qaida in Syria called the al-Nusrah Front (ANF). He also goes by al-Golani, Abu Ashraf, Ahmed Hussein al-Shar'a, and al-Sheikh al-Fateh. The U.S. Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information leading to his capture. He was born in Syria sometime in the late 1970s. He fought American troops in Iraq beginning in 2003. He was detained for some time at ...
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Khaled Mashal
25 adoptionsOnce head of HAMAS
Khaled Mashal was born in 1956 in the West Bank. He became an Islamist Palestinian leader during his education in physics at Kuwait University during the 1980s. He was part of the founding HAMAS. He became HAMAS' chairman in 1996. He has operated from Kuwait, Jordan, Syria and Qatar. He transferred leadership to Ismail Haniyeh in 2017. He claims responsibility for directing numerous Palestinian suicide attacks. He was married around ...
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Farooque Ahmed
13 adoptionsDC Metro Bombing Conspirator
He was arrested at the end of October 2010 for plotting to assist in bombing Metro stations throughout Washington, D.C. He was born in Pakistan. He grew up on Staten Island in New York. He became a US citizen around 1993 at the age of 17. Some of his Muslim associates tipped off the FBI that he wanted to kill US citizens abroad. The FBI trapped him in a sting ...
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Saleh al-Arouri
1 adoptionSalih Dar Sulaiman
Hamas Operative
At Large
Saleh al-Arouri is also known as Salih Muhammad Sulayman al-Aruri and as Salih Dar Sulaiman. He was born on August 19, 1966 in Ramallah of the West Bank. He is a Lebanese citizen. He is thought to be living in Lebanon. He is one of the founders of HAMAS' military wing. He is also deputy leader of the Hamas Political Bureau. He funds and directs Hamas military operations in ...
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Najibullah Zazi
19 adoptionsNY Subway Bombing Plotter
The FBI arrested Najibullah Zazi on September 19, 2009 for lying to investigators on matters involving terrorism. In the week before, he had made a suspicious trip from Denver to New York in a rental car. Searchers found bomb making plans in his handwriting on his laptop computer. During interrogation, he admitted that he had received military training from Al Qaeda in Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal area. Najibullah was born in ...
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Sirajuddin Haqqani
19 adoptionsPushtun Warlord
At Large
Sirajuddin Haqqani was born around 1970. He is a Pashtun warlord and military leader. From 2004 to 2008, he led forces in the Waziristan area of Pakistan against Pakistani government forces. In an interview with a news organization he admitted to orchestrating the 2008 bombing of a hotel in Kabul and an assassination attempt on Afghan President Hamid Karzai. He was probably also involved in the bombing of a Kabul ...
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Alyan Muhammad Ali al-Wa'eli
18 adoptionsSuspected Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
Little is known about Alyan Muhammad Ali al-Wa'eli. He was born in 1979 in Yemen. He became associated with the now deceased Yemeni Al Qaeda terror cell leader who orchestrated an attack on a French tanker in 2002. The FBI was seeking him for questioning.
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Ali Youssef Charara
1 adoptionFinancier
At Large
Ali Youssef Charara is a key Hizballah financier. The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information that will disrupt his financial dealings with Hizballah. He is a telecommunications magnate with business interests in Lebanon and West Africa. He was born in Sidon, Lebanon, on September 25, 1968. He has Lebanese citizenship. He likely resides in Lebanon.
Mahad Karate
18 adoptionsAbdirahman
al-Shabaab deputy emir
At Large
Mahad Karate is also known as Abdirahman Mohamed Warsame. He is believed to be in his forties. He is a Deputy leader or emir in al-Shabaab. He played a key role in the wing of al-Shabaab responsible for assassinations that is called the Amniyat. He had a role in the attack on Garissa University College in April 2015 that resulted in 150 deaths. Al-Shabaab's intelligence wing is involved in suicide ...
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Muhammad Ja’far Qasir
0 adoptionsMr. Fadi
At Large
Muhammad Ja’far Qasir is also known as Shaykh Salah, Mr. Fadi, Majid, Eynaki, and Hossein Gholi. He is a key Hizballah financier. The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information that will disrupt his financial dealings with Hizballah. He is known for illegal smuggling and procurement activities and other criminal enterprises. He is a conduit for financial disbursements from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF) ...
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Abdel Nur
14 adoptionsJFK Bombing Attempt Conpirator
Abdel Nur is also known as Compton Eversley. He pled guilty on June 29, 2010 to providing material support to co-conspirators in a plot to explode fuel lines at JFK Airport and under Queens Borough, NY. He is a citizen of Guyana. He was arrested in Trinidad and Tobago. He was extradited from there, where is associated with the militant Muslim group, Jamaat al Muslimeen. He allegedly sought help from ...
Hamad el Khairy
13 adoptionsTerror Group Leader
At Large
Hamad el Khairy is a citizen of Mali who was born in Mauritania in 1970. He is goes by the names of Abderrahmane Ould Mohamed Lemin Ould Mohamed Khairy and Abou Qumqum. He is the leader and a founding member of the terrorist group Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa (MUJWA, also known as MUJAO and TWJWA). Under his leadership, MUJWA members have carried out kidnapping operations, terrorist ...
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Ahmad Khan Rahami
12 adoptionsMad
Ahmad Khan Rahami is linked by forensic evidence to bombings that happened in New York City and in New Jersey on September 17, 2016, and to numerous unexploded devices found at a train station in New Jersey. The New York detonation injured 29 people. He was wounded in a shootout with police and taken into custody on September 19. He is curently serving a life prison sentence. He was born ...
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Sidi Mohamed Amine El Khalifi
16 adoptionsAmine El Khalifi
Homegrown Terrorist
Amine El Khalifi was arrested on February 17, 2012 wearing what he thought was a suicide vest and carrying what he thought was an automatic weapon, according to the FBI. According to the criminal complaint, he was on his way to terrorize the U.S. Capitol building, and thought he was working for Al-Qaeda. He was born in 1983 in Morocco. At 16 years old, he visited Orlando, Florida with his ...
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Abdul Hakim Ali Hashim Murad
18 adoptionsAhmed Saeed
Al Qaeda Operative
Abdul Hakim was born January 4, 1968 in Pakistan. He is currently serving his time in a maximum security United States Penitentiary for his part in planning to blow up trans Pacific jumbo jets in Operation Bojinka. He attended a series of flight schools all across America and in the Philippines and received a Commercial Pilot certificate. He had plans to plant bombs aboard two United Airlines aircraft and fly ...
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Mohamed Makawi Ibrahim Mohamed
14 adoptionsMakawi
at large
Mohamed Makawi Ibrahim Mohamed was a leader and shooter in the murder of two USAID employees on New Year's Day 2008. In the Sudanese legal system he was tried and convicted along with four accomplices. He was sentenced to hanging. He escaped from prison in June 1010, and fled to Somalia. The US Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information leading to his capture.
Abdulrab Muhammad Muhammad Ali al-Sayfi
16 adoptionsAbdulrab
Suspected Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
Little is known about Abdulrab Muhammad Muhammad Ali al-Sayfi. He is a Yemeni citizen. He became associated with the now deceased Yemeni Al Qaeda terror cell leader who orchestrated an attack on a French tanker in 2002. For a long time, the FBI was seeking him for questioning.
- Abdulrab Muhammad Muhammad Ali al-Sayfi on Wikipedia
Narseal Batiste
15 adoptionsHome-grown Al Qaeda Conspirator
Narseal Batiste was the ringleader in a plot to blow up the Sears Tower (now Willis Tower) and FBI offices. On June 23, 2006, he and six others were captured by the FBI at a warehouse in Miami, FL. On Friday, November 20, 2009, a judge sentenced him to prison for thirteen years and six months for conspiring to aid Al Qaeda, for plotting to blow up buildings, and for ...
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Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei
33 adoptionsAli Khamenei
Incumbent Supreme Leader of Iran
Ali Khamenei was born in 1939 as the oldest of eight children in the humble home of a pious religious scholar. In 1990, a council of experts chose him to replace Khomeini as the Grand Ayatollah of the terrorism sponsoring state of Iran, making him the commander in chief of the armed forces, the final authority on all aspects of foreign and domestic policies, and the top authority on Shia ...
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Mohammed Nabi Omar
17 adoptionsTaliban Leader
Mohammed Nabi Omar is one of five detainees released from Guantanamo Bay on June 1, 2014 in exchange for US Army Soldier Bowe Bergdahl who was being held by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network. He arrived at Gitmo in October 2012. He had beeb the Taliban's chief of communications. He was connected to Anti-Coalition Militia (ACM) groups like al-Qaida, the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and the Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin. He maintained ...
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Ali Atwa
15 adoptionsAmmar Mansour Bouslim & Hassan Rostom Salim
Hezbollah Operative
At Large
Ali Atwa is a Lebanese national born in Lebanon in 1960, and he is an operative with Hezbollah in Lebanon. On June 14, 1985 he was to have been one of the hijackers of TWA flight 847 from Athens to Rome, but he was bumped from the flight. After the hijacking to Beirut, he was arrested in Greece and then released as part of a deal to free hostages. During ...
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Umid Muhammadi
14 adoptionsHamza al-Kurdi
al-Qaeda Facilitator
Umid Muhammadi is an al-Qaeda facilitator and a key supporter of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). He was born around 1967. He has petitioned Iranian officials on al-Qaeda’s behalf to release operatives detained in Iran. He has been involved in planning multiple attacks in Iraq and has trained extremists in the use of explosives. He has also received training in Afghanistan on the use of rockets and chemicals.
Treasury Department Designation ...
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Sayfullo Saipov
7 adoptionsISIS Radical
Sayfullo Saipov went on a killing spree in the name of ISIS in New York City on the afternoon of Halloween, October 31, 2017. He rented a truck from Home Depot and drove it for a mile down a bike path in Lower Manhattan along the Hudson River mowing down cyclists, joggers, and walkers along the way. He killed 8. He was born in Tashkent, Ubekistan on February 8, 1988. ...
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Malik Abou Abdelkarim
17 adoptionsal-Qaeda Leader
At Large
Malik Abou Abdelkarim is a citizen of Mali. He was born in 1972. He also goes by the names of Abu Abd al Karim al Tariqi and Abou Hamid Abdel Karim. He is a senior leader of a company of fighters within the terrorist group, al-Qaida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Under his command, his company has acquired weapons and conducted kidnappings and small-scale terrorist attacks in ...
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Maalim Salman
13 adoptionsAmeer Salman
al-Shabaab trainer
At Large
Maalim Salman is also known as Ameer Salman. The now deceased al-Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi aw-Mohamed who was also known as Godane chose him to be the head of al-Shabaab's African foreign fighters. He has trained al-Shabaab's non-Somali operatives and has been involved in operations in Africa targeting tourists, entertainment establishments, and churches. Although focused mainly on operations outside of Somalia, Salman is known to reside in Somalia and train ...
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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
33 adoptionsformer President of Iran
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was born in 1956 near Tehran as fourth of seven children in the home of a simple blacksmith. He became the highest *elected* official of the terrorism sponsoring state of Iran in 2005. In 1976, he ranked 132nd out of 400,000 taking university entrance exams. He studied civil engineering and earned a doctorate in traffic and transportation planning. In 1979, he joined students supporting the revolution. He fought ...
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Ahmed Abu Khattala
15 adoptionsBenghazi attack leader
Ahmed Abu Khattala is a suspected leader of the Benghazi attack on the US Embassy compound in Libya in 2012 that killed four Americans including the American Ambassador to Libya. He has been commander of Ansar al-Sharia militia in Libya. He was probably born in 1971. He spent most of his adult life imprisoned by Muammar Gaddafi at the Abu Salim prison in Tripoli for his Islamist views. In mid-June ...
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Salman Raouf Salman
1 adoptionSamuel Salman El Reda
Hizballah Operative
At Large
Salman Raouf Salman is also known as Samuel Salman El Reda. He was born on July 5, 1963. His citizenship is from Columbia and from Lebanon. He is a leader in Hizballah’s External Security Organization (ESO) He directs and supports their terrorist activities in the Western Hemisphere. The ESO is their element that is responsible for the planning, coordination, and execution of terrorist attacks outside Lebanon. They primarily target ...
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Faker Ben Abdelazziz Boussora
16 adoptionsAbu Yusif
Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
Videos discovered in Afghanistan record Faker Boussora's intentions for suicide martyrdom. He was born in Tunisia on March 22, 1964. In 1988 he immigrated to France, and in 1991 went on to Canada. In 1999 he became a Canadian citizen, after which he departed for terrorist training in Afghanistan. He has disfigured protruding ears and may have a health threatening pituitary gland illness. He was last seen in Turkey in ...
Jamal Saeed Abdul Rahim
14 adoptionsAli al-Jassem Fahd
At Large
Jamal Saeed Abdul Rahim is also known as Ali al-Jassem Fahd. He was born on September 5, 1965 in Lebanon. He is Palestinian by nationality. He is wanted in connection with the hijacking of Pan Am flight 73 on the ground in Karachi, Pakistan on the September 5, 1986. The US State Department is offering $5 million for information that brings him to justice. He was reported to have been ...
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Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
26 adoptionsAfghan War Lord
At Large
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar has been a powerful and violent Afghan warlord. The Afghan government pardoned him in 2016 as part of a peace deal with the Hezb-i-Islami Taliban faction. He operated from Afghanistan's northeast mountains and Pakistan's tribal areas. He was one of the three main Taliban leaders of the Al-Qaeda allied insurgency (Mullah Omar and Sirajuddin Haqqani). He was born in 1947 in the Kunduz Province of Afghanistan. He ...
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Ramzi Yousef
21 adoptionsBomb Maker WTC 1993 Bombing
Ramzi Yousef was born May 20, 1967 in Kuwait to a Palestinian mother and the Pakistani brother of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. He has become a Christian while serving a 240 year sentence at the ADX Florence, CO supermax prison, for involvement in numerous plots and bombings, including the World Trade Center in 1993, and Tokyo bound Philippine Airlines flight #434 in 1994. His plot to explode jumbo jets over the ...
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Jose Padilla
21 adoptionsAbdullah al-Muhajir
Al Qaeda Operative
Jose Padilla was born on October 18, 1970 in Brooklyn, New York. He is also known as Muhajir Abdullah. He was sentenced in January 2008 to over 17 years in prison for conspiracy to kill people and fund overseas terrorism. In September 2011 the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the sentence imposed by a Miami federal judge was too lenient and sent the case back for a ...
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Hafiz Mohammad Saeed
13 adoptionsFounder of Jamaat-ud-Dawa
Hafiz Mohammad Saeed is the founding member of a radical Islamist organization called Jamaat-ud-Dawa. It operates in Pakistan and India. It wants Islamist rule throughout the world. It's military branch, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba is suspected of masterminding terror attacks in Mumbai in 2008. Hafiz Saeed was born around 1950 in Pakistan. The U.S.A. had been offering $10 million for information helping to locate him. Pakistan authorities arrested him in July 2019.
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Khair Mundos
17 adoptionsAbu Sayyaf Leader and Financier in the Philippines
Khair Mundos was arrested in Manila in 2014. He was a key leader and financier of the Philippines-based Abu Sayyaf Group. The US Department of Justice was offering $500,000 for information leading to his arrest. He was captured in 2004, but he escaped from a provincial jail in 2007. While in custody, he confessed to arranging funding for terrorist bombings throughout Mindanao.
Fuad Mohamed Khalaf
20 adoptionsFuad Shangole
al-Shabaab Fund Raiser and Leader
at Large
Fuad Mohamed Khalaf has been an important operational leader and fund raiser for the dangerous terrorist organization operating in and from Somalia called al-Shabaab. He is also known as Fuad Shangole. In June 2012 the US government began offering up to $5 million for information that will help to locate him. He was born in Mogadishu on March 28, 1965. He went to Sweden seeking asylum in 1992. He stayed ...
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Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed al-Nasser
19 adoptionsCommander of Hezbollah in Saudi Arabia
At Large
Abdelkarim commands Saudi Hezbollah. He was born in the Saudi town of Al Ihsa. He orchestrated the bombing of the Khobar Towers barracks for the US military in Saudi Arabia on June 5, 1996. Al-Nazer speaks fluent Arabic and Farsi. He could be hiding in Iran, Syria, or Lebanon.
Abu Hafiza
15 adoptionsAl-Qaeda Master Planner
At Large
Abu Hafiza is one of Al-Qaeda's master planners. He appears to have orchestrated the 2004 terror attacks in Spain. His self-proclaimed intention was to impact Spain psychologically, influence Spain's elections, and to embarass state heads of Britain, Italy, and the USA. In 2003 he traveled through Pakistan and Saudi Arabia recruiting combatants to fight Americans in Fallujah, Iraq. He is originally from Morocco where he served as a military psychiatrist.
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Rezwan Ferdaus
13 adoptionsHome Grown Terrorist
The FBI arrested Rezwan Ferdaus for planning to attack the Pentagon and Capitol with explosives-packed remote control airplanes and automatic weapons. He pleaded guilty on July 20, 2012. Four months later, he was sentenced to 17 years in prison. Ferdaus is a U.S. citizen. He has a bachelor's degree in physics from Northeastern University in Massachusetts. He is 26 years-old. He was arrested in Massachusetts. He became convinced America ...
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Ahmad Mohammad Ajaj
23 adoptionsCell Operative 1993 WTC Bombing
Ahmad Mohammad Ajaj was born in 1966 in the West Bank. He is serving a 240-year sentence at the at United States Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Some of Ahmad's past activities include immigrating to Houston, TX, delivering pizzas, traveling on multiple fraudulent passports, and learning to make bombs in Afghanistan.
Ahmed Ajaj on Wikipedia
Zacarias Moussaoui
13 adoptionsShaqil
9-11 substitute pilot and second wave plotter
Zacarias Moussaoui was born May 30, 1968 in France to parents of Moroccan descent. He is serving a life sentence at the ADX Florence, CO supermax prison for plotting suicide terrorist attacks on America. After attending training camps in Afghanistan, he came to America in early 2001 and began learning to pilot planes at flight schools in Oklahoma and Minnesota. In August 2001, he was arrested for immigration violations and ...
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Abu Ubaidah
17 adoptionsDireye
al-Shabaab emir
At Large
Abu Ubaidah is also known as Direye. He is believed to be in his forties. He is a member of the Dir clan from the Kismayo region of Somalia. He became al-Shabaab leader in September 2014 after the death of former al-Shabaab emir Ahmed Abdi aw-Mohamed who was also known as Godane. He was part of Godane's inner circle. He appears to believe that al-Shabaab is more than just a ...
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Omar Ahmad Omar al-Hubishi
13 adoptionsOmar al-Hubishi
Suspected Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
Little is known about Omar Ahmad Omar al-Hubishi. He was born in 1969 in Saudi Arabia. He became associated with the now deceased Yemeni Al Qaeda terror cell leader who orchestrated an attack on a French tanker in 2002. For a while the FBI was seeking him for questioning.
Omar Ahmad al-Hubishi on Wikipedia
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Abdul Haq Wasiq
17 adoptionsTaliban Leader
At Large
Abdul Haq Wasiq is is the current Director of Intelligence of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. He is one of five detainees released from Guantanamo Bay on June 1, 2014 in exchange for US Army Soldier Bowe Bergdahl who was being held by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network. He was deputy chief of the intelligence service for Taliban-ruled Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. He had direct access to Taliban and Hezb-e-Islarni ...
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Junzo Okudaira
2 adoptionsJapanese Red Army operative
At Large
Junzo Okudaira was born on February 2, 1949. He was a member of the Japanese Red Army terrorist group when he allegedly exploded a car bomb outside the USO Club in Naples, Italy, on April 14, 1988. That blast killed five and injured fifteen. He is also allegedly connected to a 1987 car bombing and mortar attack on the US Embassy in Rome. The US Department of Justice is ...
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Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki
17 adoptionsAbdulrahman Makki
Jamaat-ud-Dawa 2nd in Command
at Large
Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki is second in command of a radical Islamist organization called Jamaat-ud-Dawa. It operates in Pakistan and India. It wants Islamist rule throughout the world. It's military branch, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba is suspected of masterminding terror attacks in Mumbai in 2008. He was born around 1948 in Pakistan. The U.S.A. is offering $2 million for information helping to locate Hafiz Saeed.
Onta Williams
11 adoptionsHamza
Homegrown Accomplice
Onta Williams, also known as Hamza, allegedly participated in a plot to bomb two synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down planes flying from a New York Air National Guard base. The alleged ring-leader was James Cromitie. Two other accomplices were David Williams, and Laguerre Payen. They became known as the "Newburgh Four." The FBI arrested them after they planted car bombs outside their targets. They also ...
Cemil Bayik
2 adoptionsCuma
PKK founding member
At Large
Cemil Bayik is an Executive Committee Member, founding member, and senior leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). The PKK conducts acts of terrorism against Turkey. The US Department of Justice is offering $4 million for information leading to his capture. Cemil is also known as Cuma. He's thought to have been born in 1955. Alternate birth years are 1951 and 1954. He comes from Elazig, Turkey.
For more ...
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Jamie Paulin-Ramirez
37 adoptionsJihad Jamie
Accused of Helping Plot Assassination
Jamie Paulin-Ramirez was arrested on Good Friday in 2010 in Philadelphia on her way back from Europe. She was charged with participating in the conspiracy to kill a Swedish artist and with intending to support violent jihad throughout Europe. In March 2011, she pled guilty. She received an 8 year sentence. She comes from Leadville, Colorado. The woman known as Jihad Jane invited her into the conspiracy through the ...
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Abdul Majeed al-Zindani
19 adoptionsAbdelmajid
Cleric and University President
The US Treasury Department lists Abdul Majeed al-Zindani as a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist." He was born in 1942. He is founder and President of Al Iman University in Yemen. He founded the Charitable Society for Social Welfare that is suspected of funding terrorists. He recruits for Al-Qaeda training camps and spiritually advises Al-Qaeda leaders. Anwar al-Awlaki, who corresponded with the Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan, teaches at his university.
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Anders Behring Breivik
29 adoptionsAndrew Berwick
Lone Actor
Anders Behring Breivik conducted a brutal terrorist attack in Norway in July 2011. He is a Norwegian citizen. In August 2012, he received Norway's maximum possible prison sentence of 21 years, and will be eligible for release in 2033, at the age of 53. He was born in London in 1979. Local police and media described him as a right-wing extremist and fundamentalist Christian. The latter label fits popular stereotypes, but ...
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Jehad Serwan Mostafa
19 adoptionsJihadist in Al-Shabab
At Large
Jehad Serwan Mostafa defended Islam to his friends as a "religion of peace and love." Today, he is wanted by the FBI for fighting with an Al-Qaeda connected terrorist organization in Somalia. He grew up in San Diego. He was studying economics at the University of California at San Diego in 2001. He worked as an automobile mechanic. The U.S. Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information that ...
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Mounir El Motassadeq
11 adoptionsAl Qaeda Hamburg Cell Associate
Mounir was born April 3, 1974 in Morocco. He moved to Germany in 1993 to study electrical engineering and became associated with Al Qaeda operatives in the Hamburg Cell. On January 8, 2007, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison by a German court for complicity in the hijacking of airplanes used in the 9-11 attacks. He has served his time, has been released, and has been deported back ...
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Manssor Arbabsiar
12 adoptionsIranian Qods Operative
Manssor Arbabsiar was arrested by the FBI on September 29, 2011 while transiting JFK Airport for plotting to have the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington D.C. bombed and to have the Saudi Ambassador assassinated. In May 2013, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. He is a naturalized American citizen from Iran. He was using an address in Corpus Christi, TX. He understood that he was recruited, funded, ...
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Ghazi Nasr Al-Din
15 adoptionsHizballah fund-raiser
At Large
The FBI wants Ghazi Nasr Al-Din for questioning regarding his fundraising efforts with Hizballah contributors. He reportedly met with Hizballah officials in Lebanon to discuss operational issues. He also sought donations for Hizballah and announced the opening of a Hizballah-sponsored community center and office in Venezuela. He has dual citizenship in Lebanon and Venezuela. He was born in Beirut. He uses two birthdays, December 13, 1962 and October 1, 1972. ...
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Mustafa al-'Uzayti
23 adoptionsAbu Faraj al-Libbi
Al Qaeda Operations Planner
Abu Faraj al-Libbi is a Libyan senior Al Qaeda operative of unknown age. He was arrested by Pakistani police after cell phone intercepts and turned over to the USA for interrogation and detention at Guantanamo Bay. The plan to blow up transatlantic flights in 2006 with liquid explosives, resulting in heightened airport screening of gels and liquids, was allegedly his.
Read more on Mustafa al-Uzayti at Wikipedia
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Ahmed Ali Omar
21 adoptionsJihadist in Al-Shabab
At Large
Ahmed Ali Omar is hiding in Somalia's capital from Al Shabaab assasins for defecting from that group. He became wanted by the FBI at 27 years old on August 4, 2010, for conspiring to support that terrorist organization in Somalia and conspiring to kill persons abroad. He was also similarly charged in August 2009. That indictment alleged the he persuaded four others to go with him to train with a ...
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Yasin Kilwe
16 adoptionsal-Shabaab Emir
At Large
Yasin Kilwe was born in Somalia in 1981. He is also called Yasin Cisman Khaalid. He is al-Shabaab's emir for Puntland, in northern Somalia. As the leader of the Galgala Hills militia in the Golis mountains, Kilwe pledged allegiance to al-Shabaab and al-Qaida in a recorded statement publicized by an al-Shabaab-controlled radio station in late February 2012. Al-Shabaab emir Ahmed Abdi aw-Godane officially appointed Kilwe al-Shabaab's leader in the region. ...
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Mousa Abu Marzook
18 adoptionsDr. Musa
a HAMAS Political Leader
At Large
Mousa Abu Marzook was fired in January 2011 from his position in Syria as the Deputy Political Bureau Chief of HAMAS. He is suspected of planning and coordinating attacks in Israel. He was born in 1951 in the Gaza Strip. He studied engineering in Cairo. He pursued a PhD in engineering in the USA until 1992 during which time he created an extensive network in the USA to support HAMAS ...
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Adis Medunjanin
12 adoptionsMohammad
NY Subway Bombing Plotter
Adis Medunjanin (aka Mohammad) allegedly conspired with Najibullah Zazi and Zarein Ahmedzay to bomb subways in New York in September 2009. In November 2012 he was sentenced to life in prison. The three were high school classmates in Queens, NY. In 2008 they trained at terror camps in Pakistan together. Adis came to America from Bosnia in 2004. He became an American citizen in 2002. He played football ...
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Zerin Sari
36 adoptionsTerror Group Leader
At Large
Zerin Sari was born in either 1963 or 1964 in Turkey. She is also called Fatma Gulten Sesen and Melis Hale. She is a key leader of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front. In Turkish it is called Devrimci Halk Kurtuluş Partisi Cephesi (DHKP/C). It was created in 1994 when its predecessor, Devrimci Sol or Dev Sol, splintered. Zerrin Sari is a lawyer who worked to defend Dev Sol in the ...
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Husayn Muhammed al-Umari
13 adoptions"The Bomb Man"
Bomb Maker
At Large
Husayn Muhammed al-Umari allegedly built the bomb that exploded aboard Pan Am flight 83 on its way from Tokyo to Honolulu in 1982. The explosion killed one passenger and wounded 16 others. Authorities believe he is a master bomb maker and responsible for other terrorist bombings. They think he was once a leader of the "15-May" terrorist group. He holds a Lebanese passport. He has a wife living in Lebanon. ...
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Ahmed Ressam
18 adoptionsBenni Noris
Millenium Bombing Plotter
Ahmed Ressam was born May 19, 1967 in Algeria. He has become known as the “Millennium Bomber” for plotting to bomb Los Angeles International Airport on that New Year's Eve. He entered Canada from Algeria with a forged French passport in 1994. In 1998, he traveled to Afghanistan for weapons, poisons, and explosives training. He returned to Canada in 1999. Authorities caught him on December 14th crossing from Vancouver with ...
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Liban Haji Mohamed
14 adoptionsQatil
Al-Shabaab Supporter
At Large
Liban Haji Mohamed is also known as Abu Ayrow, Shirwa, Shirwac, Qatiluhum, and Qatil. He was born on January 4, 1986. He is a naturalized American citizen. He immigrated to the USA from Somalia. He supposedly had ties with Zachary Chesser who has been convicted for aiding terrorists. He worked many years as a taxi driver in Northern Virginia. The FBI is offering $50,000 for information leading to his arrest ...
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Gholam Shakuri
14 adoptionsIranian Qods Operative
At Large
Gholam Shakuri is wanted for his part in orchestrating an attempt to have Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington, D.C. bombed and to have the Saudi Ambassador assassinated. He is thought to be an operative in a branch of Iran's Revolutionary Guard called the Qods Force.
See also:
- Arrested co-conspirator Manssor Arbabsiar
- Iranian precendent setter Ahmad Vahidi
Muhammad Kawtharani
0 adoptionsJafar
Hizballah Leader
At Large
Muhammad Kawtharani is also known as Jafar al-Kawtharani. He is a senior leader of Hizballah’s forces in Iraq. The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information on his activities, networks, and associates. He is filling the shoes of the late commander of Iran's clandestine military operations, Qasem Soleimani. Kawtharani was born in Iraq, liekly in the late 1950s. He studied in the Shiite holy ...
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Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab
10 adoptionsISIS Supporter
Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab was charged in January 2016 with making a false statement involving international terrorism. When arrested he was 23 years old. He allegedly traveled overseas to fight alongside terrorist organizations and lied to authorities about it. He is a Palestinian born in Iraq. He came to the United States as an Iraqi refugee in 2012. While living in Arizona and Wisconsin, he communicated over social media about ...
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Carlos Eduardo Almonte
17 adoptionsOmar
Accused of Plotting Terrorism
Carlos Eduardo Almonte was arrested at the age of 24 in June 2010 as he and his friend Mohamed Mahmood Alessa attempted to board a plane from New York to Somalia. In April 2013, he was sentenced to prison for 20 years. Carlos and Mohamed had referred to themselves as "Arabian knights." According to the FBI, they were intending to join a terror group in Somalia to kill, maim, ...
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Laguerre Payen
16 adoptionsAmin and Almondo
Homegrown Accomplice
Laguerre Payen, also known as Amin and Almondo, allegedly participated in a plot to bomb two synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down planes flying from a New York Air National Guard base in 2009. The alleged ring-leader was James Cromitie. Two other accomplices were David Williams, and Onta Williams. They became known as the "Newburgh Four." The FBI arrested them after they planted car bombs outside ...
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Adel Daoud
17 adoptionshomegrown bomber
Adel Daoud was arrested on September 14, 2012 after he allegedly attempted to detonate what he believed to be a car bomb in front of a bar in downtown Chicago. He was 18 years old. He is a U.S. citizen and resident of the Chicago suburbs. According to an affidavit in support of the complaint, beginning in about October 2011, He used e-mail accounts to obtain and distribute material, some ...
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Abdelbasit Alhaj Alhassan Haj Hamad
13 adoptionsassassin
at large
Abdelbasit Alhaj Alhassan Haj Hamad was a shooter in the murder of two USAID employees on New Year's Day 2008. In the Sudanese legal system he was tried and convicted along with four accomplices. He was sentenced to hanging. He escaped from prison in June 1010, and fled to Somalia. The US Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information leading to his capture.
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Abdul Reza Shahla’i
1 adoptionHaji Yusef
Qods Force Commander
At Large
Abdul Reza Shahla’i is also known as Haji Yusef and as Abu al-Karkh. He is an Iranian Brigadier General. He commands Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps–Qods Force (IRGC-QF) in Sanaa, Yemen. He is linked to attacks on US troops in Iraq and to an assassination attempt on the Saudi Ambasador in Washington DC. The US Department of Justice is offering $15 million for information on his financial activities, networks, ...
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Zakariya Ismail Ahmed Hersi
17 adoptionsZaki Madobe
al-Shabaab Chief of Intelligence
Zakariya Ismail Ahmed Hersi was captured in Somalia in September 2012. In June 2012, the US government began offering $3 million for information that lead to his capture. He was "Chief of Intelligence" for the dangerous terrorist organization operating in and from Somalia called al-Shabaab. He is also known as Zaki Madobe. Other wanted terrorists in al-Shabaab are: Fuad Mohamed Khalaf, Mukhtar Robow, and Details
Ibrahim Ousmane
0 adoptionsDandou Cheffou
ISIS-GS fighter
At Large
Ibrahim Ousmane is also known as Dandou Cheffou. He is a key leader in ISIS of the Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS). The US Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information leading to his capture. He is wanted for his participation in the 2017 ambush in Niger that killed four American and eight Nigerian soldiers. He operates in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.
Abdul Rahman Hussein al-Nashiri
20 adoptionsMullah Bilal
Al Qaeda Gulf Operations Chief
Abdul Rahman Hussein al-Nashiri was born in 1965 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He is also called Mullah Bilal. He is currently detained at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as the one time head of al Qaeda in the Persian Gulf, mastermind of the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole, and organizer of other attacks like the one on a French oil tanker in 2002. He is one of three detainees there ...
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Zarein Ahmedzay
19 adoptionsNY Subway Bombing Plotter
Zarein Ahmedzay pled guilty in April 2010 to terror charges. He allegedly conspired with Najibullah Zazi and Adis Medunjanin to bomb subways in New York in September 2009. In November 2012, he recieved a sentence to life in prison. The three were high school classmates in Queens, NY. In 2008 they trained at terror camps in Pakistan together. Zarein was born in Afghanistan. He is a licensed taxi ...
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Khalid Saeed al-Batarfi
0 adoptionsAQAP Commander
At Large
Khalid Saeed al-Batarfi is also known as Abu al-Miqdad al-Kindi. He leads Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Penninsula (AQAP). He took charge after Qasim al-Raymi's death in January 2020. He is Saudi Arabian. He was born in Riyad between 1978 and 1980. He started training with Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in 1999. He fought against US and Northern Alliance forces in Afghanistan in 2001. He joined AQAP in Yemen in 2010. ...
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Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr
15 adoptionsMuqtada al-Sadr
Iraqi Shia Leader
Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr was born in Baghdad in 1973 of Lebanese descent. He takes the title "Sayyid" as a descendent of Muhammad. His great-grandfather and father were respected religious leaders. His father was supposedly murdered by Sadaam Hussein. He controls the intimidating and occasionally violent Mahdi Army, and he directs a network of charitable organizations that was founded by his father in the Baghdad suburb called "Sadr City." These connections ...
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Abd al-Aziz Awda
18 adoptionsSheik Odeh
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Religious Leader
At Large
Abd al-Aziz Awda (aka Sheik Odeh) was born December 20, 1950, in the Gaza Strip next to the world’s largest Palestinian refugee camp. He co-founded the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in the 1970s as a branch of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. He studied Arab and Islamic studies at a university in Cairo, and has grown to become known as the PIJ’s spiritual leader. He is presumed to be operating from ...
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Sami Osmakac
16 adoptionshomegrown terrorist
The FBI arrested Sami Osmakac on January 7, 2012 and charged him with plotting to attack crowded locations around Tampa, Florida with a car bomb, assault rifle, and other explosives. In November 2014, he received a 40 year prison sentence. He was 25 years old when arrested. He said in an 8-minute video recorded shortly before his arrest that Muslim blood was more valuable than non-Muslim blood and that he ...
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Abdullahi Osman Mohamed
0 adoptionsExplosives Expert
At Large
Abdullahi Osman Mohamed is also known as Imran, Sharmaki, Thaqafi, and Dhega Adde. He was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. He is handles overall management of explosives operations and manufacturing for al-Shabaab in the Horn of Africa. He is also a special adviser to al-Shabaab's so-called “emir,” and he leads its media wing that's called al-Kataib. The US State Department's Rewards for Justice Program is offering up to $5 million ...
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David Matthew Hicks
31 adoptionsMuhammed Dawood
Soldier for Lashkar e-Tayyiba
David Hicks was born August 7, 1975 in Australia. He was captured and sold to the US military for a $1000 bounty by the Afghanistan Northern Alliance. At Guantanamo Bay, he became the first detainee convicted under the US Military Commissions Act of 2006. In May 2007, he went to prison in Australia. In December 2007, he was released. He comes from a broken home. He’s been in and out ...
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Khalid Mohamud Abshir
19 adoptionsJihadist in Al-Shabab
At Large
Khalid Mohamud Abshir is also known as Abdalla Qannas. He is reportedly detained by Al-Shabaab in Somalia for attempting to defect from that terrorist organization after having joined it. He became wanted by the FBI at 27 years old on August 4, 2010, for conspiring to support a terrorist organization in Somalia and conspiring to kill persons abroad. He was also similarly charged in August 2009. That indictment alleged the ...
Shaker Masri
14 adoptionsAccused of Plotting Terrorism
Shaker Masri was arrested trying to make his way to Somalia on August 4, 2010. He had researched various routes to avoid detection. He pled guilty at federal court in Chicago on July 30, 2012. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison on December 11, 2012. He was born in Alabama. He was raised abroad. He returned to the USA at the age of 18. He was living in ...
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Ali Qasir
0 adoptionsAli Ghasir
Commercial Middleman
At Large
Ali Qasir is also known as Ali Ghasir. He facilitates financial and commercial activities between Hizballah and Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF). The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information to stop him. He was born in Deir Kanoun El Nahr, Lebanon, on July 29, 1992. He has Lebanese citizenship. He likely resides in Iran.
Faruq al-Suri
1 adoptionAbu Humam al-Shami
Hurras al-Din Leader
At Large
Faruq al-Suri is also known as Abu Humam al-Shami and Samir Hijazi. He was born in 1977 in Damascus, Syria. He leads an al-Qa'ida affiliated terrorist organization called Hurras al-Din that operates in Syria. He trained with al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan in the late 1990s, and he became an al-Qa'ida trainer. He trained and led insurgency fighters in Afghanistan and in Iraq off and on through 2007. He spent five ...
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Muhammad Khadir Musa Ramadan
0 adoptionsAbu Bakr al-Gharib
ISIS Propagandist
At Large
Muhammad Khadir Musa Ramadan is also known as Abu Bakr al-Gharib. He was born in Jordan. He is a senior leader and a key propagandist for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He is one of its longest-serving senior media officials. He overseas daily media operations to include managing content for dispersal to a worldwide network of supporters. His work radicalizes, incites, and recruits jihadists around the ...
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Abdiweli Yassin Isse
18 adoptionsJihadist in Al-Shabab
At Large
Abdiweli Yassin Isse became wanted by the FBI at 26 years old on August 4, 2010, for conspiring to support a terrorist organization in Somalia and conspiring to kill persons abroad. He was also charged in 2009 for conspiring to kill, kidnap, maim, and injure persons outside the USA. Court documents allege he raised money travel for himself and others to travel to Somalia to wage "jihad" against Ethiopians. He ...
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Mohamoud Abdi Aden
0 adoptionsAl-Shabaab Commander
At Large
Mohamoud Abdi Aden is also known as Mahamoud Abdirahman. He was born in Kenya in 1985. He helped plan the terror attack on the DusitD2 Hotel complex in Nairobi, Kenya, on January 15, 2019. Gunmen armed with explosives, automatic weapons, and grenades attacked that 6-building complex of shops, offices, and a hotel. At least 21 people, including one U.S. citizen, were killed in the assault. The U.S. Department of ...
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Ahmad Ibrahim al-Mughassil
20 adoptionsAbu Omran and Arfad
Hezbollah Operations Chief in Saudi Arabia
Ahmad Ibrahim al-Mughassil is also known as Abu Omran. He was born in Saudi Arabia in 1967. He headed the military wing of pro Iranian Saudi Hezbollah. With help from Iranian officials, he planned and orchestrated the 1996 attack on the Khobar Towers US military barracks in Saudi Arabia. He actually drove the bomb truck to within 80 feet of the building and made his getaway as a passenger in an ...
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Mohammed A. Salameh
16 adoptionsCell Member WTC 1993 Bombing
Mohammed Salameh was born September 1, 1967 in Nabulus, Palestine, within a family long opposed first to British rule and then Israeli statehood. He is locked away at a Federal Correctional Institute for his part in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. After renting the Ryder truck, he reported it stolen the day before the bombing. In the following weeks, he kept trying to get his $400 deposit back. He ...
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Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan
16 adoptionsAccused of Plotting Terrorism
On July 27, 2009, Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan was arrested and charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim, and injure persons abroad. On January 13, 2012, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. He is a U.S. citizen born on May 15, 1987. He attended N.C. State University and majored in sociology. According to the indictment, he traveled to Israel in ...
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Sulaiman Jassem Sulaiman Abu Ghaith
15 adoptionsAbo Ghaith
Al-Qaeda Official Spokesman
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith was born in Kuwait around 1966. After 9-11, he become an Al-Qaeda spokesman for which he has been stripped of Kuwaiti citizenship. He has appeared in several videos praising terrorists attacks on Americans and threatening further terrorism. He is one of the founders of the charity called al-Wafa al-Igatha al-Islamia that was a front for fund-raising for Al-Qaeda. In July 2003, he was supposedly offered by Iran ...
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Khalil Yusif Harb
2 adoptionsAbu Mustafa
Hizballah Advisor
At Large
Khalil Yusif Harb is also known as Sayyid Ahmad and Abu Mustafa. He was born on October 9, 1958. He is thought to be in Syria or Yemen. He is a close adviser to Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah who leads the Lebanese Hizballah terrorist group. He has served as the group’s chief military liaison to Iranian and Palestinian terrorist organizations. He has commanded and supervised the organization’s military operations ...
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Ziyad Yagi
12 adoptionsAccused of Plotting Terrorism
On July 27, 2009, Ziyad Yagi was arrested and charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim, and injure persons abroad. On January 13, 2012, he was sentenced to 32 years in prison. He is a U.S. citizen. He was 21 years old at the time of his arrest. He is one of seven men simultaneously arrested near Raleigh, North Carolina on these ...
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Dylan Boyd
26 adoptionsAccused of Plotting Terrorism
On July 27, 2009, Dylan Boyd was arrested and charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim, and injure persons abroad. On December 20, 2011 he received an 8-year prison sentence. He was 22 years old at the time of his arrest. He is one of seven men simultaneously arrested near Raleigh, North Carolina on these charges. His father, Details
Hysen Sherifi
15 adoptionsAccused of Plotting Terrorism
On July 27, 2009, Hysen Sherifi was arrested and charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim, and injure persons abroad. In May 2013, he was sentenced to life in prison. He was 24 years old at the time of his arrest. He is a native of Kosovo and a legal permanent U.S. resident. He is one of seven men simultaneously arrested near ...
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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
34 adoptions9-11 Mastermind
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was born in 1964 or 1965 in Pakistan, but he was raised in Kuwait. He has been detained at Guatanamo Bay, Cuba. He is being sent to New York for trial. He began heading Al Qaeda’s propaganda operations from Kuwait around 1999. He became the principal architect of the 9-11 attacks on America, for which he obtained approval, raised money, and supervised training. He also played a ...
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Sanaullah Ghafari
1 adoptionShahab al-Muhajir
ISIS-K Leader
At Large
Sanaullah Ghafari is also known as Shahab al-Muhajir and Sanaullah al-Sadiq. The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information leading to his capture. He is a citizen of Iraq, but he is leading ISIS in the Khorasan province of Afghanistan. He was a mid-level commander in the Haqqani Taliban network and a member of Al-Qaeda before defecting to lead his ISIS group. He is alleged to have ...
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Yahya Abu el Hammam
15 adoptionsAkkacha Djamel
Senior Al-Qaeda Leader
at Large
Yahya Abu el Hammam serves as a senior leader of al-Qaida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), planning operations and kidnapping Westerners in North and West Africa. Hammam has played a key role in perpetuating AQIM’s terrorist activities in West Africa and Mali, and participated in several AQIM terrorist attacks in Mauritania. His birthday is September 5th. He was born in 1978. He is from Algeria. The U.S. ...
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Ali Mohamed Rage
1 adoptionAl-Shabaab Key Leader
At Large
Ali Mohamed Rage is also known as Ali Dhere. He was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in 1966. He is a key leader and chief spokesman of al-Shabaab in the Horn of Africa. He has been involved in planning terrorist attacks in Kenya and Somalia. He became al-Shabaab’s top spokesman in May 2009. The US Department of State's Rewards for Justice Program is offerring up to $5 million for information ...
Russell Defreitas
12 adoptionsJFK Bombing Attempt Conpirator
Russell Defreitas was convicted August 2, 2010 of potting in 2007 to explode fuel lines at JFK Airport and under Queens Burough, NY. In February 2011, he was sentenced to life in prison. He is at USP McCreary with BOP#64347-053. He is a naturalized U.S. citizen from Guyana. He worked as a cargo handler at JFK. He is associated with a militant Muslim group in Trinidad and Tobago and allegedly ...
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Abu Bakar Bashir
26 adoptionsUstad Abu
Indonesian Cleric
Abu Baker Bashir is also known as Ustad Abu and as Abdus Somand. To an Al Jazeera reporter he announced that the Bali night club bombers were not terrorists. He said that their intentions were to defend Islam. (see the clip on YouTube). He was born in 1938. He directed the Indonesian Mujahedeen Council and ran a boarding school in Central Java. His school trained pupils for promoting ...
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Ali Saleh al-Marri
18 adoptionsAl-Qaeda Sleeper Agent
On October 29, 2009, in a plea bargain, Ali Saleh al-Marri admitted to being an Al-Qaeda sleeper agent. The AP reported that at the sentencing hearing, he "delivered tearful testimony ... that he was sorry he ever agreed to help Al Qaeda." His 15-year sentence was be reduced by the time he had been detained. On January 18, 2015, he was sent back to Qatar. He was born in Qatar ...
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Salah Abdeslam
13 adoptionssuicide bombing conspirator
Salah Abdeslam is alleged to have helped with terrorist attacks on a theater and restaurants in Paris on November 13, 2015, killing 130 people and wounding 368 others. He assisted by renting cars, apartments, and hotel rooms. He's thought to have been acting on behalf of the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" (ISIS). Police apprehended him in Brussels after a four-month manhunt. He's been extradited to France for trial. ...
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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
84 adoptionsBoston Marathon bomber
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was caught after a gun battle in a Boston suburb on the evening of April 19, 2013. He is strongly suspected to be one of the two Boston Marathon bombers. His older brother and fellow suspect, Tamerlan, was killed in the manhunt that followed. His brother's namesake, Tamerlane, was one of the most brutal Muslim empire builders in history. Dzohkhar (pronounced Joe-HARR) ...
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Abd al-Rauf Bin al-Habib Bin Yousef al-Jiddi
16 adoptionsAbderraouf Jdey
9-11 Plotter and Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
Abd al-Rauf Bin al-Habib Bin Yousef al-Jiddi (a.k.a. Abderraouf Jdey) is a member of Al-Qaeda and a Canadian citizen. He was born in Tunisia on May 30, 1965. He left a suicide note at his home and a suicide video at a safe house in Afghanistan, hinting he was to have been either a 9-11 hijacker or part of a second wave. He left Tunisia in 1991, and immigrated to Canada ...
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Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad
15 adoptionsCarlos
home grown lone-wolf
Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, formerly Carlos Bledsoe, grew up in Memphis Tennessee. He is an American home-grown terrorist and "lone-wolf" actor. Carlos converted to Islam after the 2001 terrorist attacks on America. In 2007, at the age of 21, he traveled to Yemen where he was apprehended and deported back to the USA for traveling on a fake Somali passport. He claims he was not radicalized in Yemen. On June 1, ...
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Maalim Ayman
1 adoptionAl-Shabaab Cell Leader
At Large
Maalim Ayman is also known as Nuh Ibrahim Abdi, Abdiaziz Dubow Ali, and Ayman Kabo. He was born in Somalia in 1973. He planned the January 5, 2020, attack on Kenyan and U.S. personnel at Manda Bay Airfield, Kenya. That attack killed two U.S. contractor pilots and a U.S. Army specialist who was acting as an air traffic controller. A third U.S. contractor and two other U.S. service members ...
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Abu Ali al-Tunisi
0 adoptionsISIS Leader
At Large
Abu Ali al-Tunisi leads manufacturing for ISIS in Iraq. He has conducted training for ISIS members, including instruction on how to make explosives, suicide vests, and improvised explosive devices. He has provided advanced training on weapons development and the manufacturing of chemical weapons. His right hand and right eye are injured. The US Department of State Rewards for Justice Program is offering $5 million for information leading to his ...
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Abid Naseer
13 adoptionsHome Grown Terrorist
Abid Naseer is alleged to have been part of an al-Qaeda connected plot to blow up targets in multiple countries. One of his plots was to attack the New York subway system on the 8th aniversary of 9-11. He allegedly conspired with Najibullah Zazi and with Zarein Ahmedzay who is already serving a life sentence for his part in that conspiracy. Naseer is Pakistani. He was ...
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Aafia Siddiqui
34 adoptionsAafia
Al-Qaeda Supporter
Aafia Siddiqui is serving an 86-year sentence at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas. She was born in Pakistan in 1972. She came to the USA in 1990 to study. She earned a degree from MIT in 1995 and a PhD from Brandeis University near Boston in 2001. Her three children Maryam, Akmed, and Suleman were born in 1996, 1998, and 2001 in America. She appears to ...
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Naser Jason Abdo
21 adoptionsalleged Jihadist
Private First Class Naser Jason Abdo was arrested in July 2011 at a hotel three miles from Fort Hood's main gate. He was defiant and unrepentant at his sentencing on August 10, 2012. He will spend the rest of his life in a Federal prison. He was AWOL from Fort Campbell, KY at the time of his arrest. In his room, police found a handgun and ingredients for making explosives. ...
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Abror Habibov
10 adoptionsISIS supporter
Abror Habibov is one of three Brooklyn residents arrested on February 25, 2015 and charged with providing material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He is a citizen of Uzbekistan. He was 30 years old at the time of his arrest in Florida. He was supposedly operating a network in America that helped fund people in joining ISIS. He is facing a possible maximum prison sentence ...
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Ali Sayyid Muhamed Mustafa al-Bakri
16 adoptionsAbdul-Aziz al-Masri
Al Qaeda Bomb Making Instructor
At Large
Ali Sayyid Muhamed Mustafa al-Bakri is also known as Abdul-Aziz al-Masri. He is an Egyptian national born on April 18, 1966. He started out in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Now he is a member of the Al Qaeda Shura leadership council. He is an explosives and chemical weapons expert. He taught in Al Qaeda’s pre 9-11 Afghan training camps and probably continues as an Al Qaeda instructor. He tried to ...
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Aziz Haqqani
15 adoptionssenior Haqqani Network member
At Large
Aziz Haqqani was born around 1988. He is a senior member of the Haqqani Network and brother to Haqqani Network leader Sirajuddin Haqqani. He is intimately involved in logistical operations and command decisions in support of coordinating cross border attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan forces in Afghanistan. Furthermore, he serves as the primary conduit (for the Haqqanis) for operations in ...
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El Sayyid Nosair
12 adoptionsCell Member WTC 1993 Bombing
El Sayyid Nosair was born November 16, 1955 in Egypt as an American citizen. He is serving life in prison at the ADX Florence, CO supermax prison for his conspiratorial part in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and for other plots on US soil, including the 1990 murder of a leading Jewish Rabbi in New York.
El Sayyid Nosair on Wikipedia
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Riduan Isamuddin
14 adoptionsHambali
Jemaah Islamiya Leader
Riduan Isamuddin is also known as Hambali. He is being held at Guantanamo Bay. He was born April 4, 1966. He was captured in Thailand in 2003 while planning attacks against hotels during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. He led the Indonesian terrorist organization Jemaah Islamiya, which is responsible for widespread church burnings and the 2002 Bali nightclub bombing. He grew up in Cianjur, West Java as the second ...
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Zachary Adam Chesser
21 adoptionsAbu Talhah Al-Amrikee
Aspiring Jihadi
Zachary Adam Chesser (a.k.a. Abu Talhah Al-Amrikee), was arrested and charged in July 2010 for assisting the Al-Qaeda linked terrorist organization in Somalia called Al-Shabab. In February 2011 he was sentenced to 25 years in prison. In April 2010 he gained notoriety for threatening the creators of a South Park episode for depicting Muhammad. He grew up in Northern Virginia. He was in a gifted and talented program in middle ...
Walid bin Attash
13 adoptionsKallad
9-11 Facilitator
Walid bin 'Attash, has been held at Guantanamo Bay for connections with several of the 9-11 hijackers and other known terrorists. He is being sent to New York for trial. He has been identified as the mastermind behind the terrorist attack on the USS Cole when it was at harbor in Yemen, in 2000. Prosecutors also allege that he helped with the 1988 attacks on US embassies in East Africa, ...
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Tarek Mehanna
15 adoptionsHomegrown Conspirator
Tarek Mehana was arrested and charged on October 21, 2009, for providing and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and for conspiring to kill in a foreign country. In April 2012, he was sentenced to prison for 17 years. He was a pharmacist who was living with his parents in a Boston suburb. He allegedly conspired together with Ahmad Abousamra and an unnamed informant to train in ...
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Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab
16 adoptionsThe Underwear Bomber
Al Qaeda Operative
On Christmas day, 2009, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab apparently attempted to detonate himself aboard a Northwest Airlines flight on approach to Detroit. He reportedly bypassed security with a powder and a liquid that he mixed on the plane and then ignited to cause a loud pop, smoke, and flame. He claimed to be acting upon instructions from Al Qaeda. He was subdued by passengers and taken into custody in Detroit. ...
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Ahadon Adak
0 adoptionsCommander Moro National Liberation Front
At Large
Ahadon Adak is a commander in the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in the Philippines. On Jolo Island in 2009, the MNLF blew up a convoy of military vehicles. The blast killed soldiers from the United States and from the Philippines who were part of a humanitarian effort to construct a school in the area. A reward of up to $250 thousand is being offered for information that leads ...
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Muhammad Abdullah Khalil Hussain ar-Rahayyal
15 adoptionsKhalil
Abu Nidal operative and hijacker
At Large
Muhammad Abdullah Khalil Hussain ar-Rahayyal is wanted for his role in the hijacking of Pan Am flight 73 on the ground Karachi, Pakistan, on September 5, 1986. During the incident he and three other hijackers began firing indiscriminately. They killed 20 people and seriously wounded 100 others. He is believed to be a member of the Abu Nidal terrorist network. He is a Palestinian born in Lebanon in 1965. Authorities ...
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David Williams
15 adoptionsDauod
Homegrown Accomplice
David Williams, also known as Dauod, allegedly participated in a plot to bomb two synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down planes flying from a New York Air National Guard base. The alleged ring-leader was James Cromitie. Two other accomplices were Onta Williams, and Laguerre Payen. They became known as the "Newburgh Four." The FBI arrested them after they planted car bombs outside their targets. They also ...
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Ousmane Illiassou Djibo
1 adoptionAboubacar Chapori
ISIS-GS Commander
At Large
Ousmane Illiassou Djibo is also known as Aboubacar Chapori and Khaled Foulani. The US Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information leading to his capture. He is wanted for his participation in the 2017 ambush in Niger that killed four American and eight Nigerian soldiers. He was born in Niger in 1984. He is a senior leader in ISIS in the Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS). He continues ...
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Duran Kalkan
1 adoptionSelahattin Abbas
Commander Kurdistan Workers' Party
At Large
Duran Kalkan is also known as Selahattin Abbas. He publishes articles in Özgür Gündem newspaper under the name Adil Bayram. He was born in 1954. He is a senior commander of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The US and Turkish governments want him for recruiting child soldiers, trafficking in drugs, targeting government and security forces, and indiscriminately injuring and killing civilians. The US Department of Justice is offering $3 ...
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Bashar al-Assad
33 adoptionsPresident of Syria
Bashar al-Assad was studying to be an ophthalmologist and trying to avoid politics until his older brother was killed in a car crash in 1994. He succeeded his father as Syria’s president in 2000. Though members of the minority Alawite Shiite Muslim sect, the al-Assad family has considerable wealth and influence. Alawites ascribe deity to Ali. Many Muslims consider them heretical. The US, European Union, France, and Israel contend that, ...
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Ghazwan Sabti Faraj Al-Qubaysi
9 adoptionsGhazwan
Iraqi New Baath Party Senior Leader
At Large
Ghazwan Sabti Faraj Al-Qubaysi is a Senior Iraqi New Baath Party leader. He is a former Iraqi Staff Major General and Intelligence Officer. A Central Criminal Court of Iraq arrest warrant for Qubaysi is pending. There is a reward for up to $50,000 for information leading to his capture.
You can see him on most wanted lists here and here.
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Sami al-Uraydi
1 adoptionbu Mahmud al-Shami
Sharia Law Official
At Large
Sami al-Uraydi is also known as Abu Mahmud al-Shami. He carries the titles of Sheikh and Doctor. He is a senior sharia official for an al-Qa'ida affiliate in Syria called Hurras al-Din. He was a senior sharia official for the al-Nusrah Front in Syria until he left them in 2016. He was born in Amman, Jordan in 1973. He has a bachelor's degree in religious studies and a master's ...
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James Cromitie
13 adoptionsAbdul Rahman
Homegrown Ringleader
James Cromitie, also known as Abdul Rahman, allegedly led a plot to bomb two synagogues in the Bronx and shoot down planes flying from a New York Air National Guard base. His alleged accomplices are David Williams, Onta Williams. and Laguerre Payen. The FBI arrested them after they planted car bombs outside their targets. They also obtained from an undercover agent what they allegedly thought was a ...
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Mukhtar Robow
22 adoptionsAbu Mansur
al-Shabaab Spokesperson
Mukhtar Robow is also known as Abu Mansur. He was a leader and spokesperson for the dangerous terrorist organization operating in and from Somalia called al-Shabaab. He frequently appeared in Somali and Arabic language propaganda videos. In June 2012, the US government began offering up to $5 million for information that will help to locate him. It withdrew that offer in 2017. In 2015, he renounced his al-Shabaab connections. In ...
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Terry Lee Loewen
17 adoptionsTerry Lewis
homegrown Terrorist
Terry Lee Loewen apparently planned to die in his own explosion at Wichita Mid-Continent Airport. Authorities took him into custody on Friday the 13th in December 2013 as he attempted to enter the airport tarmac with a vehicle that he believed to be laden with explosives. He was 58 years old. He worked as an avionics technician at a facility at the airport. He claimed to have been studying subjects ...
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Amro Badr Abou el-Maati
17 adoptionsAmer El-Maati
Suspected Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
Amer El-Maati is a Canadian citizen who was born in Kuwait on May 25, 1963. He is a suspected member of Al Qaeda. His father, who resides in Toronto, claims the accusations are laughable and that his son is being vilified in order to keep fear and suspicion of Canadian Arabs high. Interrogations of captives indicate he was one of seven operatives planning terror attacks in the USA in the ...
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Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan
12 adoptionsOmar
ISIS Supporter
Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan was charged in January 2016 with attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). In December 2017, he was sentenced to prison for 16 years. He had entered the United States as an Iraqi refugee of Palestinian background in 2009. He received legal permanent residence status in 2011. He had been residing in Houston. He had been working ...
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Zakariya Boyd
21 adoptionsAccused of Plotting Terrorism
On July 27, 2009, Zakariya Boyd was arrested and charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim, and injure persons abroad. On December 20, 2011, he received a 9-year prison sentence. He was 20 years old at the time of his arrest. He is one of seven men simultaneously arrested near Raleigh, North Carolina on these charges. His father, Daniel Patrick Boyd, was ...
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Nidal Ayyad
15 adoptionsCell Member WTC 1993 Bombing
Nidal Ayyad was born in 1968 to Palestinian parents in Kuwait. He is at the ADX Florence, CO, supermax prison today. He ordered the compressed hydrogen tanks and mixed and assembled bomb components used in the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. He began studies in chemical and biochemical engineering at Rutgers University in New Jersey in 1985. He graduated and became a US citizen in 1991. In 1993, ...
Adham Husayn Tabaja
1 adoptionFinancier
At Large
Adham Husayn Tabaja serves at the forefront of Hezbollah’s financial network and its terorist arm, Islamic Jihad. The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information that will disrupt his financial dealings with Hizballah. He is a real estate development and construction magnate in Lebanon. He was born in Lebanon on October 24, 1967. He has Lebanese citizenship. He likely resides in Lebanon.
Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn
24 adoptionsAbu Zubaydah
Osama's Deputy for Operations
Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn (a.k.a. Abu Zubaydah) was born March 12, 1971 in Saudi Arabia. He was captured after cell phone traces and a gun battle in Faisalabad, Pakistan. He now resides at Guantanamo Bay, as perhaps the highest-ranking Al Qaeda leader in US custody. He affiliated with Al Qaeda at its beginning and became bin Laden’s second deputy in 1995. He was responsible for planning attacks and screening recruits. ...
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Faisal Shahzad
21 adoptionsTimes Square Car Bomber
Al Qaeda Operative
The car bomb he parked in New York City Times Square in May 2010 failed to explode. He was pulled from a Dubai bound airplane 53 hours later at Kennedy Airport. Faisal was born in Pakistan. He became an American citizen in 2009 after which he traveled to Pakistan for terrorist training in a Taliban controlled area. The Pakistan government has made several arrests connected to this case. He has ...
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Muhammad Ahmed al-Munawar
19 adoptionsMansour
Abu Nidal operative and hijacker
At Large
Muhammad Ahmed al-Munawa is wanted for his role in the hijacking of Pan Am flight 73 on the ground Karachi, Pakistan, on September 5, 1986. During the incident he and three other hijackers began firing indiscriminately. They killed 20 people and seriously wounded 100 others. He is believed to be a member of the Abu Nidal terrorist network. He is a Palestinian born in Kuwait in 1965. Authorities believe he ...
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Sajid Mir
1 adoptionUncle Bill
Terror Attack Operations Manager
At Large
Sajid Mir is a senior member of a terrorist organization called Lashkar-e-Tayyiba that is based in Pakistan. He was born in 1938 making him over 80 years old. He is wanted for involvement with terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India that happened in November 2008. He was allegedly the operations manager for planning and executing that attack. The FBI added him to its most wanted list in 2019. In November ...
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Mustafa al-Hawsawi
16 adoptionsAhmed
9-11 Facilitator
Mustafa al-Hawsawi, has been held at Guantanamo Bay for connections with several of the 9-11 hijackers and other known terrorists. He is being sent to New York for trial. Most of the money transferred to the hijackers from the U.A.E. came from his and Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali's accounts. Prior to 9-11, he worked in Al Qaeda's media committee in Kandahar, Pakistan. He worked with the ringleader, Mohammed Atta, ...
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Abu Abd al-Karim al-Masri
1 adoptionA Terror Group Senior Leader
At Large
Abu ‘Abd al-Karim al-Masri is an Egyptian veteran member of al-Qa’ida and a senior leader of an al-Qa'ida affiliated group called Hurras al-Din that is operating predominantly in a northwest province of Syria called Idlib. In September 2019 the US State Department designated Hurras al-Din to be a terrorist group, and the US Department of Justice began offering a $5 million reward for information that would lead Abu ‘Abd ...
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Akhror Saidakhmetov
13 adoptionsISIS supporter
Akhror Saidakhmetov is one of three Brooklyn residents arrested on February 25, 2015 and charged with providing material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). He is a citizen of Khazakhstan. He was 19 years old at the time of his arrest. The FBI arrested him at Kennedy Airport in New York where he was attempting to board a plane bound for Istanbul. He was apparently planning ...
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Abdul Saboor
12 adoptionsExplosives Expert
At Large
Abdul Saboor is an explosives expert associated with Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (HIG) in Afghanistan. He is responsible for the May 16, 2013 suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (SVBIED) attack in Kabul which destroyed a U.S. armored SUV, killing two soldiers and four U.S. civilian contractors, eight Afghans - including two children - and wounded at least 37 others. He and HIG explosives expert Abdullah Nowbahar were key participants in ...
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Samir Abduh Sa'id al-Maktawi
17 adoptionsSamir
Suspected Al Qaeda Operative
At Large
Little is known about Samir Abduh Sa'id al-Maktawi. He was born in 1968 in Saudi Arabia and is identified as a Yemeni citizen. He became associated with the now deceased Yemeni Al Qaeda terror cell leader who orchestrated an attack on a French tanker in 2002. For some time the FBI was seeking him for questioning.
- Samir Abduh Sa'id al-Maktawi on Wikipedia
- Appearance in ... Details
Seher Demir Sen
38 adoptionsTerror Group Leader
At Large
Seher Demir Sen was born in Turkey on July 8, 1959. She also uses the name Munever Koz and the birthday January 3, 1965. And she goes by the other names of Alba, Mine, Semirsen, Hatice, and Serap. She is a key leader of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front. In Turkish it is Devrimci Halk Kurtuluş Partisi Cephesi (DHKP/C). It has targeted U.S. interests, including U.S. military and diplomatic personnel ...
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Mohamed Osman Mohamud
24 adoptionsChristmas Tree Bomber
Accused of Plotting Terrorism
At nineteen years old, Mohamed Osman Mohamud tried to kill or maim thousands of men, women, and children who were gathered at a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon on November 26, 2010. At the end of January 2013, he was found guilty by a federal jury. On October 1, 2014 he was sentenced to prison for 30 years. When challenged by undercover FBI agents that "a lot of ...
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Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil
14 adoptionsYasin al-Suri
al-Qaeda Facilitator
Khalil (aka Yasin al-Suri) is an Iran-based senior al-Qaeda facilitator. He was born in 1982 in al-Qamishli, Syria. He operates in Iran by agreement with the Iranian government. He has been operating there since 2005. He moves or helps to move money and recruits across the Middle East through Iran and into Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq. He helped Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, and he has raised significant funds throughout the Persian ...
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Khalid al-Barnawi
18 adoptionsMohammed Usman
Boko Haram Branch Leader
at Large
Khalid al-Barnawi escaped from a Nigerian prison when it was attacked on the evening of July 5, 2022. He had been captured by Nigerian military forces in 2016. He is also known as Mohammed Usman. He was born in Nigeria in 1976. He was reported to be a leader of a Nigeria-based terrorist part of Boko Haram commonly called Ansaru. He sought to establish an Islamic caliphate in Nigeria. He ...
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Muhammad al-Jawlani
2 adoptionsal-Golani
Muhammad al-Jawlani is also known as Abu Muhammad al-Golani. He is the senior leader of the the Syria branch of al-Qa’ida called the al-Nusrah Front (ANF). Under his leadership, the ANF has carried out multiple terrorist attacks throughout Syria, often targeting civilians. In April 2015, ANF reportedly kidnapped, and later released, approximately 300 Kurdish civilians from a checkpoint in Syria. In June 2015, ANF claimed responsibility for the massacre of ...
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Issa Barrey
1 adoptionISIS-GS Fighter
At Large
Issa Barrey is a key leader in ISIS of the Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS). The US Department of Justice is offering $5 million for information leading to his capture. He is wanted for his participation in the 2017 ambush in Niger that killed four American and eight Nigerian soldiers. He operates in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.
Sheikh Hassan Yousef
30 adoptionsWest Bank Leader for Hamas
Sheikh Hassan Yousef of Ramallah is the West Bank leader for Hamas. He has been in and out of jail on "Administrative Detention." He was arrested again on October 19, 2003, following the 7 October attack on Israel from Gaza. He praises suicide bombers and encourages violence, but he does not become personally involved. His oldest son, Musab Yousef, has become a Christian.
Link to the FOX news story about ...
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Abdikadir Ali Abdi
24 adoptionsJihadist in Al-Shabab
At Large
Abdikadir Ali Abdi is hiding in Somalia's capital from Al Shabaab assasins for defecting from that group. He became wanted by the FBI at 19 years-old on August 4, 2010, for conspiring to support a terrorist organization in Somalia and conspiring to kill persons abroad. He is a US citizen. He grew up in the Somali immigrant community in a suburb of Minneapolis, MN.
Hassan Nasrallah
20 adoptionsSecretary General of Hezbollah
Hassan Nasrallah was born in 1960 in Beirut as the eldest of nine children, He became the Hezbollah’s General Secretary when his predecessor was assassinated in 1992. Hezbollah is a Shiite political and paramilitary organization based in Lebanon that opposes the existence of Israel. Six countries (Australia, Canada, Israel, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States) officially declare Hezbollah to be a terrorist organization.
Hassan Nasrallah on Wikipedia
Mohammad Ibrahim Bazzi
0 adoptionsFinancier
At Large
Ali Youssef Charara is a key Hizballah financier. The US Department of Justice is offering $10 million for information that will disrupt his financial dealings with Hizballah. He is an investment and trading magnate operating or transacting business in or through Belgium, Lebanon, Iraq, and several countries in West Africa. He was born in Brent Jbeil, Lebanon, on August 10, 1968. He has Belgian and Lebanese citizenship.
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Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan
23 adoptionsMiski
Jihadist in Al-Shabab
At Large
Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan turned himself in to Somali authorities in 2015. He became wanted by the FBI at 22 years old on August 4, 2010, for conspiring to support a terrorist organization in Somalia and conspiring to kill persons abroad. He was also similarly charged in August 2009. He reportedly departed for Somalia in 2008 before graduating from Roosevlet High School in Minneapolis. He was communicating with friends in the ...
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Mohamedou Ould Slahi
16 adoptionsAbu Musab
Millenium Bombing Plotter
Mohamedou Ould Slahi was released from detention at Guantanamo Bay in October 2016. While there he wrote a memoir that became a movie in 2021 titled The Mauritanian. He was born in 1972 in Mauritania. He had been detained as an Al Qaeda operative and plotter of the foiled 2000 millennium attacks. He moved to Germany in the late 1990s, where he became acquainted with members of the Hamburg cell organizers ...
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Ahmed Omar Abu Ali
15 adoptionsAl Qaeda Operative
Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was captured in 2003 by Saudi authorities while taking exams at the Islamic University of Medina. He was sentenced to 30 years in a Virginia court for participating in an Al Qaeda terror cell planning hijackings and the assassination of President Bush. He was born in Houston, TX and raised in Falls Church, VA. He graduated from the Islamic Saudi Academy high school in Alexandria as ...
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Ahmad Vahidi
13 adoptionsIran Defense Minister
Interpol wants to arrest Ahmad Vahidi for his alleged part in bombing a Jewish community center in Argentina in 1994. In August 2009, he became Iran's defense minister. Although he denies involvement with the bombing, he formerly commanded an Iranian Army unit involved in secret expeditionary operations. He became Iran's Interior Minister in August 2021.
- Read more on Ahmad Vahidi at Wikipedia
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Mahmoud Abouhalima
15 adoptionsMahmoud the Red
Cell Member WTC 1993 Bombing
Mahmoud Abouhalima was born in Egypt in 1963. He is at the ADX Florence, CO supermax prison today. He helped load the Ryder truck left to explode at the World Trade Center in 1993, and he drove the getaway car. During adolescence, he joined an outlawed Islamic group in Egypt. In 1981, he dropped out of Alexandria University to fight Russians in Afghanistan. In 1986, he immigrated to the United ...
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Shawki Ali Ahmed Al-Badani
22 adoptionsal-Qaeda Leader
At Large
Shawki Ali Ahmed Al-Badani is a leader and operative for al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). He reportedly assigned an AQAP member to target the Sana, Yemen U.S. Embassy in 2012. He also has been described as being connected to a suicide bomber who killed over 100 Yemeni soldiers in a May 2012 attack. Furthermore, he played a key role in a plan for a major attack in summer 2013 ...
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Anes Subasic
15 adoptionsAccused of Plotting Terrorism
On July 27, 2009, Anes Subasic was arrested and charged with conspiring to provide material support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim, and injure persons abroad. He was 33 years old at the time of his arrest. At the age of 36 he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. He is Croatian from Bosnia, a naturalized U.S. citizen, and resident of North Carolina. He is one of ...
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Assem Hammoud
13 adoptionsAmir Andalousi
Tunnel Bombing Plotter
Assem Hammoud was born July 6, 1975 in Beirut. He was arrested by Lebanese armed security forces in 2006 for plotting to blow up tunnels beneath the Hudson River with a team of backpack suicide bombers. He was reported to be out on bail in 2008. He was a professor at the Lebanese International University. He studied finance and economics in Canada for six years in the late 1990s. Speaking ...
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12 adoptionsAmar
al-Shabaab Operator
At Large
Jafar is also known as Amar. He is missing one eye. He is an al-Shabaab facilitator and operational planner. He has served as a deputy to Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir, AKA Ikrima. Al-Shabaab was the militant wing of the Somali Council of Islamic courts that took over most of southern Somalia in the second half of 2006. It has continued a violent insurgency in southern and central Somalia. The group has ...
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Iyad Ag Ghaly
16 adoptionsAbu al-Fadl
Leader in Mali
at Large
Iyad Ag Ghaly is also known as Abu al-Fadl. The US State Department designated him as a Terrorist in February 2013. He leads an organization in Mali that is affiliated with Al-Qaeda. He is a Malian Tuareg militant from Mali's Kidal region. In April 2012 he gave a radio interview in Timbuktu announcing that Sharia law would be enforced in the city, including the veiling of women, the stoning of ...
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Ismail Haniyeh
22 adoptionsSenior Political Leader of HAMAS
Ismail Haniyeh was born in 1963 in a refugee camp near Gaza City. He was educated in Arabic literature at the Gaza Islamic University. He's been a senior leader for the HAMAS Palestinian movement since the late 1990s. From 2006 to 2017, he led HAMAS in the Gaza Strip. He became chairman of its Political Bureau in 2017 and moved to Qatar. HAMAS stands for *Harakat Al-Muqawarma Al-Islamia* which means ...
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Colleen R. LaRose
31 adoptionsJihad Jane
Accused of Helping Plot Assassination
Colleen R. LaRose was charged with helping terrorists and with agreeing to kill a Swedish artist who drew some sketches of a dog with a face like Muhammad's. She was arrested at Philadelphia International Airport on her way back from Europe in October 2009. Her detention was kept secret until March 9, 2010 while accomplices were investigated. In January 2014 she was sentenced to prison for ten years. In November ...
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Ibrahim al-Banna
18 adoptionsAl-Qaeda Leader
At Large
Ibrahim al-Banna is also called Abu Ayman al-Masri. He is a citizen of Egypt and a leader in al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). He was a founding member. He and has served as chief of security and has provided military and security guidance. He was born in Egypt in 1965. The US Department of State is offering a $5 million reward for information that helps to capture him.
- ...
Norullah Noori
19 adoptionsTaliban Leader
At Large
Norullah Noori is one of five detainees released from Guantanamo Bay on June 1, 2014 in exchange for US Army Soldier Bowe Bergdahl who was being held by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network. He is currently Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. He was the Taliban's Governor of Balkh Province from 1996 to 2001. Human Rights Watch suspects he was responsible along with ...
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Nashwan Abdulrazaq Abdulbaqi
18 adoptionsAbdul Hadi al Iraqi
Al Qaeda Operative
Nashwan Abdulrazaq Abdulbaqi (a.k.a. Abdul Hadi al Iraqi) was born in 1961 in Mosul, Iraq. He was captured in 2006 trying to reenter Iraq, and is now detained at Guantanamo Bay. He rose to Major in Sadaam Hussein's Army, then fought against Soviets in Afghanistan. He became a brilliant and experienced senior Al Qaeda commander of numerous training camps and operations. He speaks Arabic, Urdu, Kurdish, Pashtu, and Persian. Bin ...
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Abdallah Al-Nafisi
35 adoptionsKuwaiti University Professor
Abdallah Al-Nafisi is a university porofessor in Kuwait. On February 2, 2009, he gave a speech which aired on Al-Jazeera TV in which he recommended biological and nuclear attacks on the United States, and in which he praised terrorists like Mullah Omar as "the world's most God-fearing people."
- You may watch a subtitled version of the video from MEMRI on YouTube
- You may read excerpts at this ... Details
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